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Target Earth

2       358A-A396       Go to stage 3 after stage 1
3       SD8A-A596       Go to stage 4 after stage 1
4       KM8A-A996       Go to stage 5 after stage 1
5       7M8A-A996       Go to stage 6 after stage 1
6       JD8A-BD96       Go to stage 7 after stage 1
7       DX8A-BF96       Go to stage 8 after stage 1
8       AKGT-AA8R       Rex is impervious to most 
enemy fire
9       2VGT-AA8J       Rex is invisible to most enemy fire
10      AL8A-AA8T + AL8A-AA9R   Rex cannot burn up re-entering
11      AKXA-AA4A       Rex cannot be electrocuted
12      AJ7T-AA20       Chron cyborg cannot harm Rex
13      AL4T-AA92 + AK0A-AA78 + AL5T-AA60       Rance's death ray cannot harm Rex
14      CB8A-AACW       HG gun carries 10 rounds 
instead of 20
15      XF8A-AACW       HG gun carries 99 rounds
16      THTT-AEWN       HG gun carries infinite ammo
17      GB8A-AACY       25-SC weapon carries 30 rounds 
instead of 60
18      XF8A-AACY       25-SC weapon carries 99 rounds
19      THTT-AEZ2       25-SC weapon carries infinite ammo
20      EZ8A-AAC0       40-SC weapon carries 25 rounds
21      XF8A-AAC0       40-SC weapon carries 99 rounds
22      THVA-AEXE       40-SC weapon carries infinite ammo
23      EZ8A-AAC2       GL weapon carries 25 grenades 
instead of 50
24      XF8A-AAC2       GL weapon carries 99 grenades
25      THVT-AEVC       GL weapon carries infinite grenades
26      EB8A-AAC4       MGL weapon carries 20 grenades 
instead of 45
27      XF8A-AAC4       MGL weapon carries 99 grenades
28      THVT-AEZC       MGL weapon carries infinite grenades
29      AZ8A-AADL       Burst Attacker carries 5 rounds 
instead of 10
30      XF8A-AADL       Burst Attacker carries 99 rounds
31      THXT-AEVY       Burst Attacker carries infinite ammo
32      CZ8A-AADJ       DD weapon carries 15 rounds 
instead of 30
33      XF8A-AADJ       DD weapon carries 99 rounds
34      THXA-AEZE       DD weapon carries infinite ammo
35      EZ8A-AAC6       150 BZ weapon carries 25 rounds 
instead of 50
36      XF8A-AAC6       150 BZ weapon carries 99 rounds
37      THWA-AETE       150 BZ weapon carries infinite ammo
38      EB8A-AAC8       203 BZ weapon carries 20 rounds 
instead of 40
39      XF8A-AAC8       203 BZ weapon carries 99 rounds
40      THWA-AEYE       203 BZ weapon carries 
infinite ammo
41      EZ8A-AADA       MISSILE weapon carries 25 rounds 
instead of 50
42      XF8A-AADA       MISSILE weapon carries 99 rounds
43      THWA-AE00       MISSILE weapon carries infinite ammo
44      EZ8A-AADC       M-POD weapon carries 25 rounds 
instead of 50
45      XF8A-AADC       M-POD weapon carries 99 rounds
46      THWT-AEX2       M-POD weapon carries 
infinite ammo
47      GZ8A-AADE       E-AS weapon carries 35 rounds 
instead of 70
48      XF8A-AADE       E-AS weapon carries 99 rounds
49      THWT-AE02       E-AS weapon carries infinite ammo
50      GB8A-AADG       E-CN weapon carries 30 rounds 
instead of 55
51      XF8A-AADG       E-CN weapon carries 99 rounds
52      THXA-AEW0       E-CN weapon carries infinite ammo
53      ADZT-AAGA       0 continues instead of 2
54      AXZT-AAGA       4 continues
55      BHZT-AAGA       9 continues
56      AMZT-AA4L       Infinite continues

Task Force Harrier EX

1       AEBT-AADE       Start at stage 2
2       AJBT-AADE       Start at stage 3
3       ANBT-AADE       Start at stage 4
4       ATBT-AADE       Start at stage 5
5       AYBT-AADE       Start at stage 6
6       A2BT-AADE       Start at stage 7
7       A6BT-AADE       Start at stage 8
8       BABT-AADE       Start at stage 9
9       BEBT-AADE       Start at stage 10
10      BJBT-AADE       Start at stage 11
11      BNBT-AADE       Start at stage 12
12      DGWA-AADE + DGWA-AADW   Choose up to 25 players on 
option screen
13      A2WA-AA90       Infinite players
14      BJVT-AABW + A2VT-AA34   Start with 10 super bombs
15      B6VT-AABW + A2VT-AA34   Start with 15 super bombs
16      DEVT-AABW + A2VT-AA34   Start with 25 super bombs
17      NNVT-AABW + A2VT-AA34   Start with 99 super bombs
18      AJTT-AA7W       Infinite super bombs
19      A2WT-AA2G       No decrease in rocket firepower 
after loss of fighter
20      A2WT-AA2R       No decrease in bomb firepower 
after loss of fighter
21      A2WT-AA20       No decrease in escort firepower 
after loss of fighter
22      BJBT-AAFL + BJBT-AAFT   Start with 10 credits
23      DEBT-AAFL + DEBT-AAFT   Start with 25 credits
24      AJWT-AA6C       Infinite credits


1       AJKT-JA24       Infinite lives
2       AEJT-JABY + AEKT-JAB2   Start with 1 life
3       AJJT-JABY + AJKT-JAB2   Start with 2 lives
4       ATJT-JABY + ATKT-JAB2   Start with 4 lives
5       AYJT-JABY + AYKT-JAB2   Start with 5 lives
6       CAJT-JABY + CAKT-JAB2   Start with 10 lives
7       CYJT-JABY + CYKT-JAB2   Start with 15 lives
8       EAJT-JABY + EAKT-JAB2   Start with 20 lives
9       LAJT-JABY + LAKT-JAB2   Start with 50 lives
10      AAJT-JCBY + AAKT-JCB2   Start with 100 lives
11      AKCT-GA7W       Infinite continues
12      A1GT-GADE       5 seconds to continue game
13      NDGT-GADE       60 seconds to continue game
14      AMGA-GA3R       Infinite time to continue game
15      AJXA-GA22       Never lose health
16      PYKT-KJW2       Play every 2nd level
17      PYKT-KNW2       Play every 3rd level
18      PYKT-KTW2       Play every 4th level
19      PYKT-KYW2       Play every 5th level
20      AB4T-EAAN       0 seconds of invincibility when 
star is eaten
21      W34T-EAAN       5 seconds of invincibility when 
star is eaten
22      FV4T-ECAN       10 seconds of invincibility when 
star is eaten
23      TV4T-EGAN       30 seconds of invincibility when 
star is eaten
24      BB4T-ERAN       60 seconds of invincibility when 
star is eaten
25      CB4T-E6AN       120 seconds of invincibility when 
star is eaten
26      G2LT-JAF0       2 seconds of invincibility after injury
27      4JLT-JAF0       7 seconds of invincibility after injury
28      FTLT-JCF0       10 seconds of invincibility after injury
29      2JLT-JCF0       15 seconds of invincibility after injury
30      MALT-JEF0       20 seconds of invincibility after injury
31      AKAA-GA7G       Infinite invincibility after star or injury
32      AB4A-FA8A       Each photo 1 worth 0 extra lives
33      AK4A-FA8A       Each photo 1 worth 2 extra lives
34      AP4A-FA8A       Each photo 1 worth 3 extra lives
35      AZ4A-FA8A       Each photo 1 worth 5 extra lives
36      CB4A-FA8A       Each photo 1 worth 10 extra lives
37      AK4A-EA9R       Each photo 3 worth 0 continues
38      PZ4A-FJ1R       Each photo 3 worth 2 continues
39      PZ4A-FN1R       Each photo 3 worth 3 continues
40      PZ4A-FT1R       Each photo 3 worth 4 continues
41      PZ4A-FY1R       Each photo 3 worth 5 continues
42      PZ4A-F21R       Each photo 3 worth 6 continues
43      PZ4A-F61R       Each photo 3 worth 7 continues
44      PZ4A-FA1R       Each photo 3 worth 8 continues
45      MA4A-FF1T       Each photo 3 worth 1 extra life
46      AK4A-EA6J       Each food worth 0% health
47      FZ4A-FEYJ       Each food worth 8% health
48      FZ4A-FJYJ       Each food worth 16% health
49      FZ4A-FTYJ       Each food worth 33% health
50      FZ4A-FYYJ       Each food worth 42% health
51      FZ4A-F2YJ       Each food worth 50% health
52      FZ4A-F6YJ       Each food worth 58% health
53      FZ4A-FAYJ       Each food worth 67% health
54      RF4A-E6YW       Each food worth 100% health

Thunder Force II

1       AEET-AAAA       Start with 2 lives
2       A2ET-AAAA       Start with 7 lives
3       BEET-AAAA       Start with 10 lives
4       CTET-AAAA       Start with 21 lives
5       GJET-AAAA       Start with 51 lives
6       MJET-AAAA       Start with 91 lives
7       ATSA-AA2T       Infinite lives--top-view missions only
8       ATKT-AA4Y       Infinite lives--side-view missions only
9       AEET-AAFJ       Start with 1 credit
10      ATET-AAFJ       Start with 4 credits
11      BEET-AAFJ       Start with 9 credits
12      DEET-AAFJ       Start with 25 credits
13      GJET-AAFJ       Start with 50 credits
14      MJET-AAFJ       Start with 90 credits
15      ATEA-AA20       Infinite credits

Thunder Force III

2       AECA-AAH8       Start with 2 fighters
3       A2CA-AAH8       Start with 7 fighters
4       BECA-AAH8       Start with 10 fighters
5       A3AT-AA7R       Infinite fighters
6       AECA-AAF8       Start with 2 credits instead of 7
7       ATCA-AAF8       Start with 5 credits
8       BTCA-AAF8       Start with 13 credits
9       A2FT-AA8C       Infinite credits
10      AKAT-AA8R       Keep special weapon power 
when you lose a fighter
11      9TCA-BGSR +     Start with all special 
D6CA-AAHT + 96CA-AAHW   weapons available
12      AKAA-AA6W       Never get special weapons ability 

Thunder fox

1       AATA-ACBE       Normal-game clock starts at 100
2       AATA-AEBE       Normal-game clock starts at 200
3       LATA-AEBE       Normal-game clock starts at 250
4       AATA-AJB2       Long-game clock starts at 400
5       AATA-ALB2       Long-game clock starts at 500
6       LATA-ARB2       Long-game clock starts at 750
7       XETA-AWB2       Long-game clock starts at 999
8       AJTA-AA6A       Infinite time--most of game
9       AANT-AADW       Start with 1 life
10      AENT-AADW       Start with 2 lives
11      ANNT-AADW       Start with 4 lives
12      AJNT-AABT       Start at stage 2
13      ANNT-AABT       Start at stage 3
14      ATNT-AABT       Start at stage 4
15      AYNT-AABT       Start at stage 5
16      A2NT-AABT       Start in stage 5 against giant robot
17      JZWA-AAGC       Flame throwers have less fuel
18      AKWA-AAGG       Each bazooka holds 2 rounds
19      AZWA-AAGG + AZXA-AAAG + AZXA-AAAR       Each bazooka holds 5 rounds
20      BFWA-AAGG + BFXA-AAAG + BFXA-AAAR       Each bazooka holds 9 rounds
21      CBWA-AAF8       Each machine gun holds 10 rounds
22      EZWA-AAF8       Each machine gun holds 25 rounds
23      LBWA-AAF8 + LBXA-AAAC + LBXA-AAAL       Each machine gun holds 50 rounds
24      XFWA-AAF8 + XFXA-AAAC + XFXA-AAAL       Each machine gun holds 99 rounds
25      BBFA-AA46       No loss of life if sucked into space
26      AAZT-AADN + ABCT-AAD0   All weapons have unlimited capacity
27      A2VT-AA3R       Invincibility
28      AENT-AAB0 + AENT-AACG   Start with 2 credits
29      ANNT-AAB0 + ANNT-AACG   Start with 4 credits
30      A6NT-AAB0 + A6NT-AACG   Start with 8 credits
31      BENT-AAB0 + BENT-AACG   Start with 10 credits
32      AC6T-AAEW       Infinite credits

ToeJam & Earl

1       MWPA-AA5J       Don't use up presents in inventory
2       ALKA-AA4Y       Always share presents (even on 
different levels)
3       RF8A-A6T2       See the entire map uncovered 
on each level
4       REFT-A6YL       Don't uncover any map tiles
5       GC8A-AYZT       Infinite lives
6       CJCA-CA6L       Getting youched doesn't hurt you
7       AL3T-CA6A       Getting squashed doesn't hurt you
8       HC8T-AA32       Don't drown in the water
9       HTTT-EA96       Mole ignores you
10      C5AA-CA4T       Tomatoes fly like slingshots
11      ATXA-EA3Y       Santa is easier to sneak up on
12      GBLA-DJY8       Each BUCK found is worth 2 bucks
13      GBLA-DYY8       Each BUCK found is worth 5 bucks
14      HTFA-DBSN + DEFA-CAHR   UN-FALL present always takes 
you up one level
15      JC6A-AH6Y       Faster progression through the ranks
16      TD2A-AEAJ + 6D2A-ACAN   ToeJam and Earl move twice as fast
17      CB8A-DT2Y       All monsters are boogymen 
(extra hard)
18      AZ8A-DT2Y       All monsters are wahinis
19      CV8A-DT2Y       All monsters are Santas
20      A38A-DT2Y       All monsters are bees
21      CK8A-DT2Y       All monsters are moles (very nasty)
22      1V9A-DCCJ + AF9A-CACL   Kill all monsters with one tomato
23      5V3T-CLGR       Super hi-tops last 2x as long
24      4B3T-CRAE       All other presents last 2x as long
25      RH6T-C6VN + JH6T-DJV4 + TH6T-DRB6       Short game

Tommy Lasorda Baseball

1A      AAEA-AAAA + AAEA-AACC + ACPA-AAHY       Regulation game lasts 1 inning
1B      AADT-AAGA + AAEA-AAAC + ACNA-AACR       Regulation game lasts 1 inning
2A      AEEA-AAAA + AEEA-AACC + AGPA-AAHY       Regulation game lasts 2 innings
2B      AEDT-AAGA + AEEA-AAAC + AGNA-AACR       Regulation game lasts 2 innings
3A      AJEA-AAAA + AJEA-AACC + ALPA-AAHY       Regulation game lasts 3 innings
3B      AJDT-AAGA + AJEA-AAAC + ALNA-AACR       Regulation game lasts 3 innings
4A      ATEA-AAAA + ATEA-AACC + AWPA-AAHY       Regulation game lasts 5 innings
4B      ATDT-AAGA + ATEA-AAAC + AWNA-AACR       Regulation game lasts 5 innings
5A      A2EA-AAAA + A2EA-AACC + A4PA-AAHY       Regulation game lasts 7 innings
5B      A2DT-AAGA + A2EA-AAAC + A4NA-AACR       Regulation game lasts 7 innings
6A      RHVA-A6WJ + AHVA-BE4L   Pitches use less energy
6B      RHST-A6Y8 + AHST-BE7A   Pitches use less energy
7A      RHVA-A6WJ + A5VA-BE4L   Pitches use more energy
7B      RHST-A6Y8 + A5ST-BE7A   Pitches use more energy
8A      RHVA-A6WJ + CDVA-BE4L   Pitches use much more energy
8B      RHST-A6Y8 + CDST-BE7A   Pitches use much more energy
9A      BMVA-AA4W       Pitches use no energy
9B      BMST-AA7J       Pitches use no energy
10A     AJ3T-AAD2       Batter walks on 2 balls
10B     AJ3T-AAB2       Batter walks on 2 balls
11A     AN3T-AAD2       Batter walks on 3 balls
11B     AN3T-AAB2       Batter walks on 3 balls
12A     AY3T-AAD2       Batter walks on 5 balls
12B     AY3T-AAB2       Batter walks on 5 balls
13A     A23T-AAD2       Batter walks on 6 balls
13B     A23T-AAB2       Batter walks on 6 balls
14A     AA3T-AA56       Batter never walks
14B     AA3T-AA36       Batter never walks
15A     HT3T-AA3N       Any pitch taken is a ball
15B     HT3A-AA9N       Any pitch taken is a ball
16A     4A3T-AA5L       Any pitch taken is a strike
16B     4A3T-AA3L       Any pitch taken is a strike
17A     CJ3T-AN3L + FA3T-AA36 + FE3T-BA38       Taken strikes do not count
17B     CJ3A-AN9L + FA3A-AA96 + FE3A-BA98       Taken strikes do not count
18A     9DTT-ACC4       Foul ball after 2 strikes is an out
18B     9DSA-ACFT       Foul ball after 2 strikes is an out
19A     AXPA-AA4Y       Foul bunt after 2 strikes is 
        not an out
19B     AXMT-AA7L       Foul bunt after 2 strikes is 
not an out
Open Game Codes
20A     AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC +     Game starts with computer 
        GKJT-AD8G + 9KJT-BCRE   leading 1-0
20B     AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL +     Game starts with computer 
        GKJT-AD2R + 1KJT-BCJN   leading 1-0
21A     AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC +     Game starts with computer 
        GKJT-AD8G + 3KJT-BCRE   leading 2-0
21B     AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL +     Game starts with computer 
        GKJT-AD2R + VKJT-BCJN   leading 2-0
22A     AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + E   Game starts with computer 
        GKJT-AD8G + 73JT-BCR    leading 3-0
22B     AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL +     Game starts with computer 
        GKJT-AD2R + Z3JT-BCJN   leading 3-0
23A     AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC +     Game starts with player 1 
        GKJT-AD8G + GVJT-AGGE   leading 4-0
23B     AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL +     Game starts with player 1 
        GKJT-AD2R + 6VJT-AGAN   leading 4-0
24A     AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC +     Game starts with player 1 
        GKJT-AD8G + 6BJT-BCRE   leading 5-0
24B     AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL +     Game starts with player 1 
        GKJT-AD2R + YBJT-BCJN   leading 5-0
25A     AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC +     Game starts with player 1 
        GKJT-AD8G + 3BJT-BCRE   leading 6-0
25B     AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL +     Game starts with player 1 
        GKJT-AD2R + VBJT-BCJN   leading 6-0
Exhibition Game Codes
26A     AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 +     Game starts with player 2 
        GKJT-AD9A + 9KJT-BCR8   leading 1-0
26B     AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE +     Game starts with player 2 
        GKJT-AD3J + 1KJT-BCKG   leading 1-0
27A     AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 +     Game starts with player 2 
        GKJT-AD9A + 3KJT-BCR8   leading 2-0
27B     AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE +     Game starts with player 2 
        GKJT-AD3J + VKJT-BCKG   leading 2-0
28A     AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 +     Game starts with player 2 
        GKJT-AD9A + 73JT-BCR8   leading 3-0
28B     AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE +     Game starts with player 2 
        GKJT-AD3J + Z3JT-BCKG   leading 3-0
29A     AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 +     Game starts with player 1
        GKJT-AD9A + 6VJT-AGG8   leading 4-0
29B     AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + G   Game starts with player 1 
        GKJT-AD3J + 6VJT-AGB    leading 4-0
30A     AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 +     Game starts with player 1 
        GKJT-AD9A + 6BJT-BCR8   leading 5-0
30B     AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE +     Game starts with player 1 
        GKJT-AD3J + YBJT-BCKG   leading 5-0
31A     AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 +     Game starts with player 1 
        GKJT-AD9A + 3BJT-BCR8   leading 6-0
31B     AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE +     Game starts with player 1
        GKJT-AD3J + VBJT-BCKG    leading 6-0

Trampoline Terror!

1       AEEA-AAG4       Start with 1 life
2       AJEA-AAG4       Start with 2 lives
3       A2EA-AAG4       Start with 6 lives
4       BAEA-AAG4       Start with 8 lives
5       CTEA-AAG4       Start with 20 lives
6       GJEA-AAG4       Start with 50 lives
7       MJEA-AAG4       Start with 90 lives
8       AVEA-AA3N       Infinite lives
9       AEEA-AAHC       Start with 2 credits
10      ANEA-AAHC       Start with 4 credits
11      BAEA-AAHC       Start with 9 credits
12      CTEA-AAHC       Start with 21 credits
13      GJEA-AAHC       Start with 51 credits
14      MJEA-AAHC       Start with 91 credits
15      AWMT-AA80       Infinite credits
16      HFZA-BJVJ       Each P Ball worth 2
17      HFZA-BTVJ       Each P Ball worth 4
18      HFZA-B2VJ       Each P Ball worth 6
19      HFZA-BAVJ       Each P Ball worth 8
20      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + AE0T-ACCE       Start on stage 2
21      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + AJ0T-AECE       Start on stage 3
22      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + AN0T-AGCE       Start on stage 4
23      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + AT0T-AJCE       Start on stage 5
24      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + AY0T-ALCE       Start on stage 6
25      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + A20T-ANCE       Start on stage 7
26      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + A60T-ARCE       Start on stage 8
27      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + BA0T-ATCE       Start on stage 9
28      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + BE0T-AWCE       Start on stage 10
29      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + BJ0T-AYCE       Start on stage 11
30      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + BN0T-A0CE       Start on stage 12
31      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + BT0T-A2CE       Start on stage 13
32      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + BY0T-A4CE       Start on stage 14
33      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + B20T-A6CE       Start on stage 15
34      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + B60T-A8CE       Start on stage 16
35      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + CA0T-BACE       Start on stage 17
36      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + CE0T-BCCE       Start on stage 18
37      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + CJ0T-BECE       Start on stage 19
38      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + CN0T-BGCE       Start on stage 20
39      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + CT0T-BJCE       Start on stage 21
40      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + CY0T-BLCE       Start on stage 22
41      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + C20T-BNCE       Start on stage 23
42      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + C60T-BRCE       Start on stage 24
43      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + DA0T-BTCE       Start on stage 25
44      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + DE0T-BWCE       Start on stage 26
45      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + DJ0T-BYCE       Start on stage 27
46      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + DN0T-B0CE       Start on stage 28
47      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + DT0T-B2CE       Start on stage 29
48      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + DY0T-B4CE       Start on stage 30
49      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + D20T-B6CE       Start on stage 31
50      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + D60T-B8CE       Start on stage 32
51      RE0T-A6WA + 9T0T-BGLC + EA0T-AALE       Start on stage 33

Trouble Shooter

2       AFDT-AAGW       Start with 1 life unit
3       AKDT-AAGW       Start with 2 life units
4       APDT-AAGW       Start with 3 life units
5       AZDT-AAGW       Start with 5 life units
6       A3DT-AAGW       Start with 6 life units
7       DFDT-AAGW       Start with 25 life units
8       GKDT-AAGW       Start with 50 life units
9       NPDT-AAGW       Start with 99 life units
10      AL1T-CA7N       Infinite life on the life meter
11      SCMT-DJ1Y       Special weapon recharges itself 2x as fast
12      SCMT-DT1Y       Special weapon recharges itself 4x as fast
13      SCMT-DA1Y       Special weapon recharges itself 8x as fast
14      ABDT-AAFE       Start with 1 credit
15      AVDT-AAFE       Start with 5 credits
16      A3DT-AAFE       Start with 7 credits
17      BBDT-AAFE       Start with 9 credits 
18      AMZA-CA7J       Infinite credits
19      APDT-AAGA       Start with more firepower
20      A7DT-AAGA       Start with maximum firepower
(less than max on continues)
21      HC1T-DT16       Firepower items are worth more
22      APDT-AAF4       Start with more speed
23      A3DT-AAF4       Start with much more speed!
24      ABDT-ACE8       Start on stage 2
25      ABDT-AEE8       Start on stage 3
26      ABDT-AGE8       Start on stage 4        27      ABDT-AJE8       Start on stage 5
28      ABDT-ALE8       Start on last stage


1       AEFA-AAEG       Start with 1 ship--first time
2       AEGT-AAG2       Start with 1 ship--after continue
3       AJFA-AAEG       Start with 2 ships--first time
4       AJGT-AAG2       Start with 2 ships--after continue
5       ATFA-AAEG       Start with 4 ships--first time
6       ATGT-AAG2       Start with 4 ships--after continue
7       AYFA-AAEG       Start with 5 ships--first time
8       AYGT-AAG2       Start with 5 ships--after continue
9       A2FA-AAEG       Start with 6 ships--first time
10      A2GT-AAG2       Start with 6 ships--after continue
11      BAFA-AAEG       Start with 8 ships--first time
12      BAGT-AAG2       Start with 8 ships--after continue
13      BJFA-AAEG       Start with 10 ships--first time
14      BJGT-AAG2       Start with 10 ships--after continue
15      DEFA-AAEG       Start with 25 ships--first time
16      DEGT-AAG2       Start with 25 ships--after continue
17      GJFA-AAEG       Start with 50 ships--first time
18      GJGT-AAG2       Start with 50 ships--after continue
19      KNFA-AAEG       Start with 75 ships--first time
20      KNGT-AAG2       Start with 75 ships--after continue
21      NTFA-AAEG       Start with 100 ships--first time
22      NTGT-AAG2       Start with 100 ships--after continue
23      ATLT-AA6T       Infinite ships
24      AAFA-AAFY       Start with no bombs
25      AEFA-AAFY       Start with 1 bomb
26      AJFA-AAFY       Start with 2 bombs
27      ATFA-AAFY       Start with 4 bombs
28      AYFA-AAFY       Start with 5 bombs
29      A2FA-AAFY       Start with 6 bombs
30      BAFA-AAFY       Start with 8 bombs
31      BJFA-AAFY       Start with 10 bombs
32      DEFA-AAFY       Start with 25 bombs
33      GJFA-AAFY       Start with 50 bombs
34      KNFA-AAFY       Start with 75 bombs
35      NTFA-AAFY       Start with 100 bombs
36      ATTA-AA8L       Infinite bombs
37      LA7T-BJVW       2 power boosters on pick-up
38      LA7T-BNVW       3 power boosters on pick-up
39      LA7T-BTVW       4 power boosters on pick-up
40      LA7T-BYVW       5 power boosters on pick-up
41      B2RA-AA30       Start at power 2
42      B2RA-AA30 + BARA-AA4N   Start at power 3
43      BATA-AABW       Start with Truxton(tm) beam instead of power shots
44      CATA-AABW       Start with thunder laser instead 
of power shots
45      ATGA-AA9G       Infinite continues in all difficulty levels


1       AFAA-AAFY       Start with 1 life
2       BFAA-AAFY       Start with 9 lives
3       EZAA-AAFY       Start with 25 lives
4       LBAA-AAFY       Start with 50 lives
5       XFAA-AAFY       Start with 99 lives
6       REXT-A6YR       Infinite lives
7       AAXA-AAC8       Start with no grenades
8       BEXA-AAC8       Start with 9 grenades
9       XEXA-AAC8       Start with 99 grenades
10      XEXA-AWC8       Start with 999 grenades
11      AAXA-AADE       Start with zero mines
12      BEXA-AADE       Start with 9 mines
13      XEXA-AADE       Start with 99 mines
14      XEXA-AWDE       Start with 999 mines
15      AAXA-AADL       Start with no power lines
16      BEXA-AADL       Start with 9 power lines
17      XEXA-AADL       Start with 99 power lines
18      XEXA-AWDL       Start with 999 power lines
19      ABBA-AAAJ       Start with no buzzsaws
20      AFBA-AAAJ       Start with 1 buzzsaws
21      BFBA-AAAJ       Start with 9 buzzsaws
22      AJZT-AA6L       Infinite buzzsaws
23      ABGT-EWFT       Start 1st level timer at 900
24      BAXA-BA4T       Time goes by faster
25      AECA-AAHY       Start with 1 continue
26      A2CA-AAHY       Start with 6 continues
27      BECA-AAHY       Start with 9 continues
28      AJ6T-AA7L       Infinite continues
29      BAHT-BA2G       Each crystal worth 8 instead of 1
30      C2HT-BA2G       Each crystal worth 16 instead of 1
31      C2YA-AA64       Infinite energy
32      AALA-AAEL       Always shoot grenades instead 
        of bullets
33      AALA-AAEY       Always shoot power lines 
        instead of bullets
34      KJXA-BLZ0 + KEXA-BLZ2   Infinite time, grenades, mines,
        and power lines
35      SECA-BEXR       Start in world 1, level 1.2
36      SECA-BJXR       Start in world 1, level 1.3
37      SECA-BNXR       Start in world 2, level 2.1
38      SECA-BTXR       Start in world 2, level 2.2
39      SECA-BYXR       Start in world 3, level 3.1
40      SECA-B2XR       Start in world 3, level 3.2
41      SECA-B6XR       Start in world 3, level 3.3
42      SECA-BAXR       Start in world 4, level 4.1
43      AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BECA-AADR       Start in world 4, level 4.2
44      AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BJCA-AADR       Start in world 4, level 4.3
45      AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BNCA-AADR       Start in world 5, level 5.1
46      AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BTCA-AADR       Start in world 5, level 5.2
47      ANMT-BT6Y + REMT-A6Y0   Shoot multiple shots instead 
        of single
48      BAHA-BA88       Each grenade token worth 8
49      EAHA-BA88       Each grenade token worth 20
50      BAHA-BA9G       Each mine token worth 8
51      EAHA-BA9G       Each mine token worth 20
52      BAHA-BA9R       Each power line token worth 8
53      EAHA-BA9R       Each power line token worth 20
54      RFZT-A604       Makes the Gauntlet easier 
        to defeat
55      RF5A-A6W8       Makes Dead Head easier 
        to defeat
56      RGHA-A60Y       Makes Trash Monster easier 
        to defeat
57      RGDA-A6VT       Makes Mother Fish easier 
        to defeat
58      BAZA-AA2G       Force field lasts until the next 
        level (after you get a force 
        field token)

Twin Cobra

1       SANA-BJZY       Start at stage 2
2       SANA-BNZY       Start at stage 3
3       SANA-BTZY       Start at stage 4
4       SANA-BYZY       Start at stage 5
5       SANA-B2ZY       Start at stage 6
6       SANA-B6ZY       Start at stage 7
7       SANA-BAZY       Start at stage 8
8       AEVA-BA9C       Start with 1 life
9       CAVA-BA9C       Start with 10 lives
10      EYVA-BA9C       Start with 25 lives
11      LAVA-BA9C       Start with 50 lives
12      XEVA-BA9C       Start with 99 lives
13      TEYT-AEZ4       Infinite lives
14      AEVA-AAFY       Start turns with 1 bomb instead of 3
15      AYVA-AAFY       Start turns with 5 bombs instead of 3
16      A6VA-AAFY       Start turns with 7 bombs instead of 3
17      AJYA-AA5R       Infinite bombs
18      9TVA-BCFG + AEVA-AAFJ   Start turns with green weaponry
19      9TVA-BCFG + AJVA-AAFJ   Start turns with blue weaponry
20      9TVA-BCFG + ANVA-AAFJ   Start turns with yellow weaponry
21      9TVA-BCFN + AJVA-AAFR   Start turns with double power boost
22      9TVA-BCFN + ATVA-AAFR   Start turns with triple power boost
23      AT7T-AA8T       S pick-up worth nothing
24      HE7T-BJ0T       S pick-up gives 2x power
25      HE7T-BJ1T       Bomb pick-up adds 2 bombs
26      HE7T-BN1T       Bomb pick-up adds 3 bombs
27      HAVA-AE0L       Keep P pick-ups after losing a life
28      9V6T-BGBE + AF6T-AABG   Start with 1 credit
29      9V6T-BGBE + AZ6T-AABG   Start with 5 credits
30      9V6T-BGBE + CB6T-AABG   Start with 10 credits
31      9V6T-BGBE + EZ6T-AABG   Start with 25 credits
32      9V6T-BGBE + LB6T-AABG   Start with 50 credits
33      9V6T-BGBE + XF6T-AABG   Start with 99 credits
34      JF6T-AEY6       Infinite credits
