This is where all our ideas come from...we will be posting game ideas here for approval. Once the majority of the players have voted for a game that game becomes part of the war.
Capture The Flag
First you'll need a place to play. The best place to play is a big yard or field, with plenty of places for sneaking around and hiding. Try to pick a place with a convenient water supply. Ideally, each team would have it's own supply, but if that's not possible, make sure there's one water supply that both teams can get too easily. Divide the playing field into two sides, the red side, and the blue side. Each team will need a flag. It doesn't have to actually be a flag, I used to use an old T-shirt, usually my brothers (Hi Joe!). Each team can place the flag anywhere on their side of the field, as long as it's in plain sight. Hiding the flag isn't allowed, because it's no fun looking under rocks for flags. Finally draw a big circle in the ground somewhere on each side of the field or yard. This is the Jail where captured members of the other team go.
The object of Capture the Flag is to, uh, well, capture the other teams flag. The flag is captured by being taken from their side of the field, and brought to your side. The tricky part is that when you're in the other teams territory (sneaking around, looking for their flag), if you're tagged or squirted you're captured, and have to go to Jail. Once you're in Jail, you're stuck 'til somebody from your team frees you. You can be freed the same way you can be captured, by being tagged or squirted by a member of your team. If you're captured while carrying the flag, drop it where you were caught. The flag has to stay there, it can't be returned to it's original spot. Once the opposing teams flag has been captured, feel free to bask in eternal neighborhood glory.
To play Sponge, you'll need a big yard or field with lots of hiding places, bushes to jump out of, trees to take cover behind, stuff like that. There are two teams, and one Sponge in Sponge. One player is The Sponge, one team is The Soakers, and the other team is The Protectors. Pick a Start and a Finish point in the yard (or wherever you're playing). The farther apart they are, the more interesting the game will be. The object, if you haven't guessed yet my clever reader, is for The Protectors to get The Sponge from Start to Finish dry, while The Soakers are trying to make The Sponge live up to his name before he gets to the Finish. Pretty cool huh? Some lunatic may volunteer to be The Sponge, but if nobody does, a round of One-Potato Two-Potato or Rock Paper Scissors will decide which poor sucker is The Sponge. Once The Sponge reaches the Finish point, decide how wet they are to see who won. Then fire up the Rock Paper Scissors to get a new Sponge (even if the first one volunteered, I'll bet they won't want to do it again), everybody switch teams and play again.
Hostage Rescue
There will be two teams...the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists. It plays out just like the Half-Life Counter-Strike Mod. The Terrorists occupy a base or and area and they are holding hostages. Hostages will be randomly chosen at the start of each round. The Counter-Terrorists must infiltrate the Terrorist base and either rescue all the hostages or eliminate the Terrorist threat. The Terrorists must prevent the Counter-Terrorists form rescuing the hostages and kill all of them. If you get shot you're dead...unless it's from you're own teammate.
The Scoring goes like this: There is a point for each hostage in the game. If a Counter-Terrorist rescues a hostage the Counter-Terrorists get a point. However, if a Counter-Terrorist kills a hostage the Terrorists get a point and vice versa. The Counter-Terrorists can only get points by rescuing hostages, but the Terrorists get points for each Counter-Terrorists they kill. So in other words the Counter-Terrorists are trying to rescue the hostages and the Terrorists are trying to kill the Coutner-Terrorists. We will tally up the scores after each round and switch teams around.
Balloon Bomb
This is an all out War. The original teams apply here and yes you can make alliances. In this game there is no use of water guns...yes that's right, no guns.....just water balloons. Us people with the Big Guns might not like this, but it will even out the playing field for those of you who can't, or won't, shell out $50 for a Monster XL..
Now that you've seen the choices it's time to make a decision. Take the poll and vote for the game you'd like to play.