Alien Heads for Left Field:
Enter the following code at the menu screen:
C up, C down, C left, C right, START, START, A, B, A, R, Z then select
the Left Field Team. Now the Left Field team will have aliean heads.
On the main menu press C-Right, C-Right, B, R, R, C-Down, Up, Down,
C-Up, A, Z.
Small Players:
On the main menu press C-Right, C-Right, B, R, R, C-Down, Up, Down,
C-Up, A, Z.
To jog, hold R and then hold BACK. It only works if your opponent is in
front of you.
More Passing Options:
To have more people to pass to, get the ball and press Z and R at the
same time. You have to do this again if you lose the ball. To turn it off,
press Z and R again.