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A lot of people say that it's never to late for a makeover. Well it
seems as if the folks over at Rareware think the same way. Why
in Conker's last adventure, Conker's Pocket Tales, you could find
Conker strolling through the grassy meadows, and picking wild
blueberries with friendly animals Disney style. Now in Conker's
Bad Fur Day for Nintendo 64 Conker is a low down, cussing,
hangover suffering, on the edge of life kinda Squirrel. As a matter
of fact when you start out Conker is already drunk of his can. The
game receives an "M" rating for mature. So if your under 17 and 
still reading STOP now! And the second you even turn on your N64
it's painfully clear why this drunk's game would be given such a
rating. Almost every character in the game cusses.
    But enough about the basics, Conker's BFD also accomplishes a lot
from the technology point of view. The graphics in Conker's BFD are
simply awesome. Although some parts in the game you don't want to
be to detailed like the boss that happens to be a giant pile of Poop.
Plus you will notice the voice bubbles over all of the characters heads
telling what they say. But every character in the game actually has a 
voice! You can hear all of the hundreds of characters talk.
    Another feature of Conker's Bad Fur Day is an important aspect
almost always looked over in video games. And that is.... Humor! The
ol' funny bone. This game has a bunch of hilarious moments. If your not
easily offended. Plus it makes several references and even making fun
of certain movies from Saving Private Ryan to As you can see to the
right: The Matrix.
    Plus if the estimated 15 hours of total gameplay don't keep you
entertained long enough then enjoy the Multiplayer games that Conker's
BFD has to offer. Like a tank mode where you take control of a tank and 
blow your enemies away. A Race mode, I think it's pretty self explan-
-atory. And a Death match mode where you are on foot and hunt out your
enemies and destroy

By: Alex Zman

MY RATING :  9.8

There are Codes available at: The Nintendo Code Zone!

Buy Conker's Bad Fur Day at
