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      Well we've come a long way from the days of the mysterious "Dolphin" project to the rumors of "Star Cube" and finally "GameCube".... and at last we are so close to it being in everyone's hands. But you don't wanna just waltz on out to the store or click on anything at the online store, you should be prepared and know what's what, and what to avoid! The GameCube is a technologically advance next generation console from Nintendo which can display awesome graphics, play excellent crisp sound, and show beautiful cinema scenes.   But not sure if the GameCube is for you? Find out with this quiz I have made, just take the % you get at the end and come right back here to see if the GameCube is for you!

Is the GameCube right for you? Quiz 

Once you get your percentage.... 

NOTE: This was an extremely unscientific test, these are 10
aspects when there are thousands. Don't let it go to your head.

Now Onto the GameCube games, below are ones that will be available at, shortly after, and later on after the launch. Plus links to Pre Order them from 

Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II
In this sequel to the N64 version you take control of either Luke Skywalker or Wedge Antilles in over 11+ missions taken right from the first 3 Star Wars movies. The game has the perfect graphics, perfect sound, and the perfect amount of fun, which make it the perfect addition to your GameCube game library!

Wave Race: Blue Storm
Wave Race 64 is considered the best water craft racing games ever, and Blue Storm tops that honor, and then some! Excellent graphics, fast paced fun action,  new features such as turbos and more control over the weather conditions. The controls are simple to use, making it an easy pick up and play game. Plus a new 4 player mode!

Super Monkey Ball
Monkey's rolling around in Balls? You heard right. Don't let the cute graphics and lab monkeys (unconfirmed) scare you away from this title. It is incredibly addictive and brings back classic arcade style game genres. You roll around and collect bananas on the way to the finish line. Plus there are tons of other modes!

Luigi's Mansion:
Luigi has just inherited a Mansion in the woods. But when he arrives he finds the house filled with spooky ghosts and goblins. Now Luigi, armed with a flashlight, a vacuum, and a Game Boy Horror, must find and suck up these ghosts to make the house for friendly. Sort of a short game, but still a good game.

Madden 2002
Madden 2002 hits the GameCube in time for the Cube's launch, and boy should you be happy. With greatly improved graphics, all new mode and features, and all the bone crunching fun gameplay you've come to expect from the Madden franchise.

Super Smash Bros. Melee
On the Nintendo 64 a small gang on Nintendo mascots started a brawl, one of the funnest brawls of all time. Now take the same action, excitment, and fun of Smash Bros. for the 64 and add over a dozen new fighters, new arenas, modes, and combos, and you've got one killer combination!

From famous game designer Shigeru Miyamoto brings us his newest, and possibly most creative game yet, Pikmin. In the game your a spaceman who has crash alnded on another planet and enlists the help of friendlly Pikmin in order to help him find the parts to his ship. With excellent graphics, sound, and above all quality, Pikmin looks to be hours upon hours of amazing fun.

SSX Tricky
Have you ever dreamed of plunging 1200 feet to a cold grave while performing some serious moves? If so then you have to check out SSX Tricky. As you might guess the 'Tricky' is for the insane moves you'll be able to pull of in this newest edition of SSX. SSX Tricky has better graphics, new modes, and tricks then ever before!

The Simpsons Road Rage
Mr. Burns has bought the local cab company and has raised the fare. Now you go around town picking up local Springfieldians making enough money to buy bak the local cab company. You drive as many of the Simpsons's most famous town's folk. There's Otto's bus, Grandpa's Shriner go kart, and Homer's Mr. Plow truck. The game attempts to recreate the fun of Crazy Taxi, but does so on a much smaller scale!

