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From Midway's four player arcade game comes the old classic, Gaunlet
Legends for the Nintendo 64. In this excellent transition from arcade to
Nintendo 64 you must create a name (saves to memory pack) and then
select a character of a couple diffrent kinds. Each character style has his
or her own style of fighting. And every time you kill an enemie you get
something like exp. points (similar to Phantasy Star Online for DC, and
Diablo 1 and 2). As those points biuld up you build up your level. Making
your character even stronger! You must work your way through several
diffrent areas. Plus there are 2 bonus areas for the Nintendo 64. G.L. also
has a great look and sound. The graphics are excellent. Besides the great
background music, Gaunlet Legends also has a god - like narrator giving
you help through out the early stages of the games. The game also feat-
-ures dramatic cut - scenes. Gaunlet Legends uses an overhead style of
view. It actually is much better in a game like this with mazzes and enem-
-ies coming in large numbers all the time. There are few disadvantages to
that, practiclly none. The camera will move, rotate, zoom in and out,
wherever and whenever your character moves. The gameplay is not to
complicated. Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, walk a little, shoot... But for a "Button 
Masher" Gaunlet Legends is still a pretty addictive game. Plus Gaunlet
Legends is a four player game. So you and three friends can join up and
defeat some of the harder areas. The four player mode really adds to the
fun and the lasting appeal of the games! Gaunlet Legends is currentlly
available on the Nintendo 64.

MY RATING : 9.0 (Nintendo 64 Scale)

By : Alex Zman

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