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Conker’s Bad Fur Day Strategy Guide Part 1 of 3 

You start out CBFD by being drunk and you need to get sober.  All you really do is follow the
fence around until you reach a scarecrow named Birdy.  He just tells you about context sensitive pads and once your finished talking to him he’ll open a area in the gate.  Just go through the gate and go on the context sensitive pad.  You then get sober and feel a lot better.  Now you just swim over to the little area right before the water fall, and Conker remembers how to use the tail spin, and other things about jumping.  You then just use the tailspin (don’t bother pressing Z to jump extra high, just jump normal and about halfway through the jump press A again to do the tailspin), just keep going from platform to platform until you get to a bridge with a gargoyole thing that won’t let you pass, turn around and to the right of the bridge there is a lever that you jumnp up and pull (just hold A once you’ve jumped and Conker will grap it automatically). This opens a door that you passed earlier, so just go back to the open door where Conker remembers his frying pan and you hit the key to unlock the door.  Exit the door and go back to the gargoyole and hit him with the frying pan. This will cause him to fall off, but now rocks fall and close the way your supposed to go.  Jump on the rocks and go to a platform that’s on the right, and there is a context sensitive button that you press and t blows the rock up.  Now go through the door and there’s a cutscene about the Panther King needing the professor to fix his table. 

Crying Bee 

Now you are in a new area and just go to the right after you have gown down the path.  There is a Bee that is crying because her nest was taken away.  Just follwo the path in the oppisite
direction of her hive (don’t cross the river) and you should reach the beehive.  Once you find
it pick it up and start running back to the Crying Bee, because there are 3 bees chasing after
you trying to sting you.  In order to not get stung you must keep running without stopping and
STAY ON THE PATH, or else you slow down and get stung.  Just follow the path and return the nest to the Crying Bee.  Once she has shot the other bees she’ll give you a hundred dollars and you just go accross the river and to the right.  You will now see the scarecrow again and he’ll give you a manual.  Once you have the manual press B on the context sensitive pad, and shoot the dung beetles that are on the trunks.  You need to shoot each one twice and once you have shot them all, you head up the mountain.  Once you get to the top go to the right, instead of the way, “that smells a bit pooey.”  There is now another cut scene witht he professor seeing the problem and introduces his teddiz. 

Gassy Mouse 

Once you have control of conker head strait acroos the river and go up the small set of stairs
and to the right.  There is a block that want you to get as he said it, “this fat a@# b$#^@ off
my back.”  In order to do that you must get ri of the mouse that is by them.  What you do to get rid of it is just go the oppisite way of the mouse and follow the path heading up, where the
blocks are jumping up and down.  You now meet Burt and he opens a gate where a lot of cheese peices are.  Hit the cheese pieces with your frying pan and take them back to the mouse one at a time. Once you have given the mouse three pieces of cheese he pretty much explodes and one of the blocks gets of the smaller one.  Jump on the blocks and then there’s a gutter that you jump on and then jump onto the house.  Once you get on the house there is some money that’s pretty hard to miss. You then hit a switch that’s on the roof that opens the door to the barn.  Just go walking around the barn until you find the door and go inside of it. 

Inside the Barn 

You get inside the barn and a pitchfork named Franky is planning to kick your a@#.  Walk over towards Franky and there’s a small cutscence and he now begins attacking you.  All you have to do is walk over to the hay and stand right next to a piece  (the hay won’t hurt you at all). Once Franky goes to hit you jump up and let him hit the hay.  Eliminate all of the hay that’s in the barn and the go and grab a lever that is in the left corner of the barn.  Once you do that you can now exit the barn. After you exit go to the right and there is a bee.  Watch the little cutscene about the “big breasted babe” and the after the cutscene is over ignore the bee for now and go to the jumping box that’s close by.  Get on top of it and jump into the opening that on the upper part of the barn.  Once inside you just make your way around until you get to the context sensitive button.  To get to the context sensitive button I find it easier to just jump from platform to platform, but you can just walk along the beams and burn the bats as they try to hit you.  At the context sensitive button use the knives and other objects to cut Franky
down.  Jump down to the bottom and you know are ready to fight the big hay thing. 

Hay-Terminator Boss 

Jump on Franky’s back and go fight the Boss.  What works best while starting out is to work your way around him and then hit him from the back.  Once you hit him three times he starts jumping and breaks the ground beneath you, causing you to fall in to a hole with different pipes.  Once you are at the bottom you want to get on Franky’s back again and go and hide behind one of the large pipes that are found on the outside part of the area.  Wait behind there until a rocket shoots the pipe, causing water to spill out of it, and then for the boss to step in it.  Once he steps in it  (you’ll know because electricity starts coming out of him) start heading for the center (where he goes) and get right next to him and jump so that you are at the top height of your jump when his back is faced towards you, and then press B.  If you do not hit him in the back then just bring him to the same pipe you were just at.  Do this three times going to a different pipe each time and you will have beaten the Boss.  After the boss blows up the room will start filling up with water.  Head towards the pipe that is closest to the exit signs, and there is a ladder on the back end.  Go up the ladder and hit the context sensitive button and start hitting down the electric wires (there are three of them for the first context sensitive pad).  Once you have taken the three that are the lowest down go into the water and there’s another pipe with a ladder that you have to go to.  Get on top of that and you have to take down.  Now you just wait until the water is high enough and exit the only place you can.  You are now back in the barn, except in a different area.  Just jump onto the stone thing that the person in the room is holding and he’ll fling you into the air.  Just go over to the ara that he
kinda flings you toward, grab the money and exit the area. 

Part #2>>>

By, Rick Stoner



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