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Conker’s Bad Fur Day Strategy Guide Part 2 of 3 

Pollinating the Flower :

Once you exit the barn you are now on a platform with a ladder leading up.   Go up the ladder. When you get to the top go to the next ladder and climb the different ladders until you can’t go up anymore.  Once you get to the very top, go to the end of the diving board thing and jump off of it and press B when the light turns on.  This will send you smashing down in the bucket and will open a gate where you can get some  money.  If you can’t find the entrance to the gate, just go to the place where the stream is and follow it.  Grab the money and then go back to the Bee that was talking about pollinating a flower.  Once you get to the big bee, go to the big breasted flower that he was talking about.  There will be a small cut scene and then start heading back to the big bee, but on the way there should be swarm of smaller bees.  Go next to them and they’ll talk to you, and after there finished you just lead them to the big breasted flower.  You need to get many different swarms of bees, and there locations are, near the entrance to the area that your in (kind of high up), where the cheese pieces were when you fought the gassy mouse (except on the mounds of it), on top of the barn where the switch was to open it (just get up to the top with the blocks and you should see them), and on top of the bucket which is located above the barn (there’s a ladder on the very top of the barn that can be used to get to the bucket).  Once you have all of the bees to the sunflower the big bee will now pollinate her.  Now is the fun part.  There is some money high above her, which to get you have to jump on the Sunflower’s breast and use them as a trampoline.  Once you have gotten the money exit this area and head towards the “pooey area,” as Conker put it earlier.  Now there is a cut scene where the professor found the problem with the table.  There’s a sizable gap, and he
concludes the milk falls because the gap.  The solution to fix the gap is a red squirrel. 

The Screaming Squirts :

After the cut scene concludes you are now in a little tavern and talk to a dung beetle.  After
you finish talking to him, just go to the platform, where a light should appear and press B. 
Just go down the hallway thing until you get to the open area, and jump on the rope directly in
front of you.  Get on the rope and start jumping from rope to rope to get yourself higher up. 
Once your pretty much at the top there should be a beam going across.  Jump on this beam (it may take a couple of tries, and to make it a little easier, jump on the rope next to the beam {not hanging from it} and climb until your almost as high as you can on the rope, and then jump diagonal), and then jump into the only opening there is.  Once you have gotten in, just drop down (don’t worry about the context sensitive pad) and start walking uphill towards the
opening.  Now you should be in an area with a  bull in the center of a field, with water
surrounding it.  Just follow the wall to your left until you get to where you can jump up and
there are balls of poo rolling down.  Just keep going up and avoiding the balls until you get to
a barrel with a nozzle type thing in front of it.  Stand on the nozzle and start running around
it in the direction the arrow is pointing.  Keep running until prune juice comes out.  Now walk
in front of the newly appeared target and wait until the bull is charging at you.  Once he gets
pretty close, jump up and let him hit the target.  This will open a gate for a cow to come out,
and a board with a target in the middle comes up and you have to get the bull to run in to it
(same way you got it to run into the target).  Once it has hit the board, it’s horns should be
stuck in the board.  Once this happens jump on the bull and hit the cow (using B, and make sure your alligned to the cow before you press B).  Once you finish seeing it drink the prune juice and go through the ordeal, hit the cow again.  The bull will knock you off, and a new target will be out that you need the bull to hit.  Repeat all of the steps again for this cow, except hit it 2 times.  After you kill that cow get the third target and hit this cow three times
before it drinks the prune juice.  After you kill the third cow you are now done and exit out
where you first came in from or you can just drop in the hole.  Now go where the context
sensitive pad is and you can now swim.  Go into the open area and start to swim down in the
poo.  Go to where you first came into this area (the lowest exit besides the bottom).  Once you get in here swim until you can submerge out of the water and there should be some money near Grab the money and then go back into the open area and then the very bottom to appear in the tavern again.  Exit the tavern and there is the dung beetle who now supplies you with balls of poo. 

The Great Mighty Poo 

Take the ball of poo and start rollng it up the poo mountain, except go on the path that is
closest to the exit that you used to come into the poo area.  Roll it up and just walk pst the
dung beetles and don’t really pay attention to them and just walk as close to the wall as you
can.  Once you get to the top of this path roll the ball of poo off to kill the large dung
beetle.  Now go back to the tavern and grab another ball of poo and head up the other path, and again just walk past the dung beetles (most of the time they don’t hit you).  Get to the very
top of the path and put it into the hole on the mountain.  Before you drop back down, use the Z jump, and the tail spin to get on the very top of the mountain, where there’s some money.  Grab the money and just jump down (don’t worry it doesn’t hurt you if you land in the poo).  There is now a small scene with a dung beetle getting out of where you are because something has been eating the other beetles.  Now just follow the path (if you fall of the poo acts kinda like quicksand) and you’ll end up at a peice of corn.  Hit it with your frying pan, pick it up, and
take it to the ledge that kind of hangs over the center.  once you’ve thrown it in, start
following the path again, and you’ll end up at a gap in the path.  Jump over this by running
forward, jumping with A, then halfway through the jump press A again to do the tail spin thing. You’ll end up seeing two peices of corn after you follow the path longer and do the same thing
with them.  Continue to follow the path up and head strait instead of going right at the fork,
and you’ll get to three pieces of corn.  Do the same thing with them too.  Once you throw the
last piece of corn off you now see the Great Mighty Poo.  He’ll sing you a song and once he’s
finished he’ll start throwing his crap at you.  What you want to do is go to the context
sensitive pad that’s closest to you (which is just to left of the overhang).  You will be
supplied with rolls of toilet paper that you hit the balls iwth before they hit you.  After he
throws the balls of crap at you for a while he will start singing.  While he’s singing hit him
in the mouth with the toilet paper.  Once you’ve done that start heading down the path until you
get to the next context sensitive pad.  Hit him two times in the mouth, and go to the next
context sensitive pad (lower down) and hit him three times.  Once the glass breaks get head over to it, get the money, and then pull the chain that’s hanging.  This will flush the Great Mighty Poo.  Once he has flusshed you’ll notice that htere is now a hole where the Great Mighty Poo was.  Drop down this hole and exit at the bottom of the hole (not through  a doorway that’s on one of the platform).  You are now in the little tavern that you’ve been in before.  Just exit the doorway. 


You are in the poo land and what you want to do is go and grab one of the balls of poo, and roll down hill from the tavern (pretty much just follow the base of the poo mountain.  You’ll get to a drop off, just push the ball off of it.  This leaves the spike head guy harmless and you just drop down off of the ledge and there is an overhang behind you with a thing sticking out of the ground.  Jump over the thing, a lightbulb will appear over Conker’s head and press B.  This releases a plug that was in the water and causes a whirlpool that pulls the other spikey  head guy in.  Go to the right of the overhang and go into the doorway that’s there (make sure you don’t get drug into the whirlpool.  You’ll now have some annoying catfish that will want you to help them take care of a dog like fish.  Jump into the water and follow the stream until you get to the dog like fish.  Look at the bottom of the stream and you’ll notice that there’s an
opening near the dog-fish.  Go into it and swim until you get to the surface where there should
be some gears hanging on the wall.  Go to the small gear and there’s a grumpy cog that tells you  to F@# off, and Conker will turn the gear around and another cog (which is gay  I think) will talk to you.  Once they’ve finished talking, go to the wooden platform that’s against the wall, which will raise you up.  Go around until you get to the log and start walking across it.  Once your about halfway of the log, just jump to the platform that’s on the other side.  Now walk on the platform until you get to the end and jump to the rope.  Climb the rope to pretty much the top (leave a little room between Conker and the thing holding the rope up, and jump across to the platform on the oppisite side.  Continue climbing up until you get to the very top and are on the ledges of the well type thing.  Go right along the ledges, and carefully jump over the gaps.  Once you reach the money grab it and jump to the platform on your right.  Then go down to the next lowest platform (the one where the rope extends far past it), and slowly walk out towards the center on the thin stetch of wood.  You’ll see a lever that’s on the acoss from you Just jump straight forward and hold A.  You’ll grab it and open a gate that was in the water. Now make your way back down to the gears.  Go back into the water and go into the area you just opened.  Swim through the water until you reach the surface and there are gears running around. Hit one of the gears with your frying pan and bring it back to the first gears you met with.  Go back to the area you were just at, get another gear, bring it back, and do the same thing again.  Once you’ve gotten all three gears on, go to the big wheel in the center and start running the way the arrow points to.  This will pull the dog fish thing in close to it’s chain.  Exit out of the area and go back to where the catfish are.  Take them to the safe and they’ll put in the combination.  Go into the safe and the moeny will run away from you, and a gate will close, and a context sensitive pad will come out.  You now have a spinning will going around with letters.  Spell OPEN.  This will open the gate and go onto the context senitive pad and  then go into the water.  Swim to the bottom going to the sides for air sometimes.  Swim to the bottom, get air, and go through the tunnel with green lights around it.  once you get into this  room swim to the top and then go through the tunnel with blue lights.  Once you get into the room swim to the top and surface from the water.  Swim around the top until you see a handle and then pull the handle. This opens a gate.  Now go down and swim through the tunnel with Green lights, and then swim through the one with yellow lights, and start heading towards the top. Once you get to the top get out of the water and jump into the hole. 

Balls of Brass 

There will now be a seen with some little guys on fire. Once you are able to play go to the
barrel and get drunk.  What you want to do now is go into the center and hold B.  You will now start pissing and what you want to do is pee out the flame guys.  Use Z to pee harder. Piss the fire out on about five guys and once you can’t pee anymore the fire guys will jump into the furnace thing.  The furnace has some big balls of brace.  To fight this guy go and stand into a corner.  Once the furnace guy stands on the drainageuse the Z jump and pull the lever to dump sewage on him.  Now he will run into the center and be stunned.  Run until your next to his balls and press B.  Do this four times (once for every corner) and you’ll be finished fighting
the furnace.  The fire guys within will accidently cause him to self destruct and he’ll blow
up.  Now his two balls are free to push around.  Start pushing one of them until you get it on a
platform that opens a door. Get the next ball and push it down the area that you just opened. 
Go through the hole you just created and your now back in the catfish’s safe.  Grab the money
and exit the safe.  The catfish want you to give them them the money, but Conker won’t and the dog fish thing will start breaking free.  Jump into the water and start following the stream
back.  The dog fish will break free and you need to try to get back on land as soon as
possible.  To make it easier to not get hurt, just use the cat fish as a path.   By doing this
the dog fish will eat them and slow down some.  Once you’ve reached land the dog fish won’t be able to stop and will run into the side of the area.  Jump on the fish and then jump up again to get some money.  Exit this area and go to where the big beehive is (the place where honey flows out of it).  Jump into the hole on the hive that is the farthest to the left.  Go into it and
your now in the hole farthest right.  Jump  from that and go into the high hole of the center. 
Go into this hole and you there will now be some money for you to grab.  Now, head to back to the area where you first fought The Great Mighty Poo. 

That’s it for Part 2. Part 3 will be available shorlty. 

<<<Part #1
