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Straight from UK developer Bits comes one of the years best
Game Boy Color game... Warlocked! Just like other real-time
strategy games both sides collect resources, construct buildings,
units, and try to destroy each other.
    Warlocked adds a real twist to the normal real-time strategy
games by taking place in a world filled with Magic! There are two
species to choose from, The Humans or the Beasts. Then they can
start a 12 level campaign with each. One of the awesome parts of
Warlocked is it's two player mode. There are 9 specially designed
levels for you and a friend to fight at. Plus, like in Star Craft 64
you cannot see what your enemy is doing! Excellent shading and
graphics give Warlocked a great looking and feeling environment to
play in. It is very easy to tell one unit from another. Plus there's a surprisingly large amount of voice samples and cinema scenes! Warlocked is a great game for real-time Strategy game fans and new comers alike! Warlocked is a great game for anybody who likes real time strategy games. Warlocked, in my opinion is one of the best games for Game Boy. Definately worth checking out.

Rating:          9.1

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Warlocked Screen Shot


Zog leader of Beasts!