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Red Panda : Righteous Enemy of Destiny Performing Attacks that Nullify Devotion towards Akane


No, they shall never win...

-Inspirationnal Quote 1-

Ranma Saotome loves Akane Tendo? As he thought about that, Ranma stared out the window. Ranma Saotome is in love with a brutish, angry girl who constantly beats him up? This Ranma needs some serious mental help, he concluded.

-Ranma Saotome, in Quantum Destinies (Chap 1) by Jurai Knight

-Inspirationnal Quote 2-

You *know* how Kami-sama is. Capital-F Fate this; capital-D Destiny that. In other words, HE talked a lot and said very little.

-Skuld, in The Accidental Goddess(Chap 2) by D.F. Roeder

-Inspirationnal Quote 3-

"Today, we learned a very important lesson about Destiny..."

<Scene of A.S.K. and Sailor Pluto duking it out>

"It's fer WUSSIES!!"

<Scene of a starship slingshotting around the Sun>

"Wussies who can't time travel."

<Scene of Sailors Neptune and Uranus talking to Sailor Pluto>

"Wussies who don't have the guts to do anything about it."

<Scene of a reborn Tomoe Hotaru>

<Scene of the Universe exploding>

"So what if there's a risk? There's risks in everything. Only wussies wouldn't dare take a chance to make a better future."


-Sailor Sez, in Nuke'em Till They Glow(Chap 5) by Benjamin A. Oliver

-Supreme Emperor OBLIVION

Description : Powerful dimension-travelling swordmaster who seeks to oppose Ranma and Akane's destiny. Main leader of the Red Pandas.
Skills : Swordmaster using a dark sword called VOID. Mech Pilot (Mech : Ifalgeance). Digidestined of Controversy (Digimon : Sachielmon). Holo-thief.
Tasks : Leading the various factions of Red Pandas to work with harmony and efficacity.
Reasons : "How dare that he take Akane for granted ! I deserve her more !".
Main Idea : "I'll makes his life miserable ! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


Description : 20th angel. Dimension-traveller. Long-time ally of Oblivion. Secondary leader of the Red Pandas.
Skills : Angel. User of two swords. Mech Pilot (Mech : Icziviel II). Digidestined of Shadow (Digimon : Shadowmon). Leader of the Eleven Wise Men.
Tasks : Backup leader. To keep Akane and Ranma from being at the same location at the same time. Keeping Shampoo close to Ranma.
Reasons : "Why not ?".
Main Idea : "By keeping them far from each other, we shall succeed."

-Chief General of Offense SELFDESTRUCT

Description : Dimension-travelling martial artist. 2nd Backup leader of the Red Pandas.
Skills : Master of the school of Final Sacrifice of Martial Arts. Digidestined of Destruction (Digimon : Houndmon).
Tasks : Keeping the flow of tricked pictures high. 2nd Backup Leader. Keeping Happosai pissed at Ranma.
Reasons : "Destiny must be opposed !".
Main Idea : "I will unleash unspeakable horrors upon him !"

-Head of Propaganda PYREMON INFERNOS

Description : Powerful shapeshifting demon who desires Destiny's downfall. Takes many forms but is often in the guise of a red Wormmon-sized creature that looks part roach part lizard part imp nicknamed Pyremon. His true form is an 18-foot-tall blood-red dragonlike demon called Infernos.
Skills : Is a demon. Master weilder of a deadly trident. A master of hell-based magics and dark arts. Shapeshifter. Can possess the living and giant mechas. Can summon powerful monsters.
Tasks : Using propaganda and occasionally more "persuasive" methods to achieve Red Panda Z's aims.
Reasons : "I oppose Destiny. It has screwed way too many things over.".
Main Idea : "Send someone more powerful after him, such as Lavos, Kefka, or Cell. Or use the T-Virus. After all, even the mighty Son Goku was no match for a virus without the aid of medicine."

-Head of Science WASHU

Description : Cute, adorable, nice, lovable person who wants to destroy Ranma and Akane's destiny.
Skills : Call her miss and you'll regret it ! Mech Pilot (Mech : Unknown). Digidestined of Mad Science (Digimon : Iceamon). Mad scientist.
Tasks : Leader of Red Panda Science Division 7th branch. Main Recruter.
Reasons : "That no good Ranma ruined one of my favorite outfits!".
Main Idea : "To make Ranma suffer as I did ! [insert maniacal laugh]"

-Head of Magic SKULL KID

Description : Short dimension travelling sprite who loves ruining plans where destiny is involved. Wearer of Majora's Mask. Often seen accompagnied by two faeries known as Tael and Tatl.
Skills : Ability to tap into the powers of Majora's Mask. Mech Pilot (Mech : StalMaster). Digidestined of Spirit (Digimon : Lizalfomon). Can drop moon on, or cast Deku curse on ennemies.
Tasks : Main Spellcaster. Leader of Attack Squad.
Reasons : "Destiny is meant to be altered !".
Main Idea : "I can handle other suitors of Akane (Ryoga, Kuno, Shinnosuke) so Oblivion can have her"

-Knight's Chief Officer DARKSHINE KNIGHT

Description : Black wearing, black-haired Dark Knight. Fond of Dark Magic.
Skills : Large Samurai Sword. Dark Magic. Need anything else ?
Tasks : Backup troop leader. To keep Ranma busy fighting.
Reasons : *Gets blue light in his eyes* RANMA YOU DIE !! *Charges*
Main Idea : "If he fights all the time, he won't get close to her !"

-Main Shadow Specialist NIGHT BARON

Description : Black tuxedo, black cape, black hat complete with evil-looking mask. Specialist thief / assassin.
Skills : Twin soul-draining kodachi. Shadow Mouvement. Expert Stealth Skills. Mech Pilot (Mech: Susano).
Tasks : Keeping watch over Akane stealthily.
Reasons : Too many to count (ranma is to blame for most of them...).
Main Idea : "He won't get a meter anywhere close to her..."

-Leader of Main Attack Force MURO

Description : Dark Purple haired, tall Japanese man, wearing a black body armor with red trim. Master of the syndicate.
Skills : Several Martial Arts moves, Daodan chrysalis, Mecha pilot (Mech: Iron Demon), Mad man.
Tasks : Leading the main attack force.
Reasons : "Ranma may pose a threat. That cannot be allowed"
Main Idea : Mainly large-scale assaults.

-Main Intelligence Commander PIPIAN

Description : Cursed teenager that turns into an elf due to a miscast spell.
Skills : Low-level magic. Swordman. Stealth arts.
Tasks : Controlling to flow of information coming in and out of the Tendo Dojo and the PANDAR Troops.
Reasons : "Destiny sucks. And Akane isn't what's good for Ranma anyway. (No offense Oblivion...)"
Main Idea : "Just hook him up with another girl (affiliated with us, of course) and use her as our pawn..."

-Main Biomechanical Scientist SAMUS ARAN

Description : Woman always wearing a red, orange and yellow biomechanical armor.
Skills : : Can morph into a little ball , use a screw attack to fly and shoot powerful beams of energy at ennemies.
Tasks : Mecahnical unit specialist. Leader of Mechanized atrack force.
Reasons : "I here cause we can't let destiny have her way.".

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All images on this site were found on the internet and are the copyright of their true authors. Ranma 1/2 is a work of of the great Rumiko Takahashi and all characters of that serie belong to her. All characters belong to whoever created them. No disrespect is meant by the any use of these items.

This site is the propriety of Thierry Chartrand-Chamblay/Snapdragon