There was a time, in the era of great chaos, when the earth and the moon were at war with each other. A daredevil from the moon piloted a bizarre aircraft... it was feared and, because of its shape, called "Einhänder" ***************** Phases of the Moon part 2 Full Moon ***************** An Einhänder fanfic by Snapdragon ***************** [Music: Einhänder - 17 - Thermosphere] What did you know, the witch was right... As the last spacecraft bound for Selene pummelled towards its earthbound doom, the three lunar fighters each took time to fill their lungs with air. They could still breathe, that was already something good. The last minutes had been frantic, and air had been a rare commodity indeed in the last hours. But they had not passed through earth's defence force without a scratch. The defenders had put their best unto them, and so damage had been inevitable. Michael's ship had taken a few direct hits on his left wing, and they were causing trouble. They had forced him to slow his right wing propulsion down to compensate, or he would have been a wall decoration a while ago. It had made dodging more difficult, but not impossible. If so, he would have joined his enemies along the rocky ground. The Martian girl was the one who had taken the least blows. Beside a few harmless hits along the armor of the cockpit, her Astraea FGA Mk. I had no other apparent damage. Her superior skill had shone true today, and would hopefully still shine on. Her surprising agility in the skies made her enemies think the pilot was a bird and not a woman. Few other females could hold against her. The worst off was James' Endymion FRS Mk. II, whose manipulator arm still held by the graces of the gods after the many hits it had endured. A few other blows donned his machine's hide, but they weren't slowing him down a bit. He feared the manipulator would drop at any time, wasting his precious Riot gun. Their were still waiting for Selene's Main Unit, which should have been there to demolish the latest spacecraft instead of them. But it had somehow been delayed, and the Einhänders had been forced to do without them. They had luckily been able to handle such a task with their limited numbers, and the moon was safe for now. Speak of the devil... Dozens of vessels appeared in the afternoon sky and stood still, seeking whatever target they could find. Their metallic blue skins contrasted with the clouded heavens, and they seemed to be an unlimited legion from the pilots' vantage points. They were the completed EOS, the result of years of work that cost the lives of so many other pilots. They were programmed to emulate the best pilots' abilities, and to replace the Einhänder program. This would be their first service. Then the message from the lunar satellite Hyperion came... and changed the course of their lives forever... Less than a second after its fateful transmission, three voices were heard over the com-net, drowning the sounds coming from outside the ships... "Those bastards ! ..." cried Caroline in blood red fury, eager and ready to crave her name in the EOS' armors. She boosted her propulsion to full, and charged head-on in the once-allied swarm. "Do they want to kill us ? ..." added Michael, also in shock that their country would do something like that to them. He sat there unmoving as the EOS sensors worked their way across the battlefield. "Why ? ..." was the only word that escaped James' mouth, and the only one on his mind. Why would their own country turn against them, them who just fought through the whole earth defense for their sakes... Why? However, the gods weren't answering this particular question now, and the sounds from his ships dragged him back to the situation at hand. Danger warnings flared everywhere in James' Endymion FRS Mk. II as it became the target of a hundred spacecraft. As the message from the moon had said, they were now the last test for the EOS and were considered enemies to their steel eyes. He barely dodged the dozen cannon shells that buzzed just under his right wing. His mind then sprang back into action, focused on the wave of heat-seeking missiles just ahead, and his question was pushed to the farther recesses of his brain, utterly gone for this fight. He would not go so easily... ***************** End of Chapter Two - Full Moon Is followed by Chapter Three - Blood Moon Notes : This will be the smallest of the Phases of the Moon series. The reasons for this is the time covered : Chapter 1 covered a day, Chapter 2 covers 30 minutes of time, Chapter 3 will cover a month while Chapter 4 will cover the rest. This Chapter is set before the last stage of Einhänder. There are 6 stages of battle between Chapters 1 & 2. Chapter 3 will be set after chapter 2 before stage 7 and Chapter 4 will cover the part after the Final Battle. Einhänder belongs to Squaresoft and is not meant any displeasure by this work Snapdragon/Thierry Chartrand-Chamblay October 2000