Akane ran across the streets, holding P-Chan against her. She looked around as she ran, not caring where she was. Ranma was gone. It had been ten days since they last heard of him. Ranma had never left for so long before, not without telling them where he was going. He had to be around him somewhere, he just had to. Her mind tried to evaluate all the reasons why he could not be found... Maybe Shampoo had kidnapped him and went back to China... no, Shampoo and Cologne were still in Nerima, and they were searching with her. Maybe this was only to make her think that they hadn't kidnapped Ranma... no, I could not be the case. Maybe Ranma went back to China to find a cure. No, he wouldn't hide this from her. Maybe Nodoka had decide he was unmanly and killed him. Maybe an evil spirit had possessed him. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. A though flashed in her head ... what if ... he had run away. The last time she saw him she had hit him pretty hard. No, Ranma would never run away. It was not manly. But it wasn't manly to throw a fight, and he had did just that against Tarou before he vanished. What if he thought she hated him, and had ran away because of that. She cringed at the thought. Tears were welling in the back of her eyes, threatening to flow in seconds. "Ranma. Where are you ... ?" She ran towards the dojo, crying at every step of the way... ******************************************* Sagas of Another World Part 1 : The New Frontier By Thierry Chartrand-Chamblay (Snapdragon@videotron.ca ) ******************************************* Chapter Two : When Steel Cleaves Darkness Ranma assumed a fighting stance, and tried to gather her chi. She found that a large part was missing, replaced by this other power she guessed was mystic strength. She evaluated her opponent. Her senses told her that she was just a ordinary woman with a large sword, but inside her newfound power was screaming danger everywhere in her mind. She was rather confused by this dividing of her senses. Princess Lion moved. And fast with that. Indeed very fast. In boy form she would not have dodged the rapid thrust, but right now, in girl form, she distanced the blow by half a millimeter, and flipped backwards in the same motion. "Not bad, not bad at all" the mystic said, rather surprised "I could say the same for you, Lady" Ranma replied , impressed by the other girl's speed. Ranma also made a mental note that she could trust this new power of hers, at least for this one battle. They continued trading blows like this, each dodging the blows the other threw by less than an inch, countering but never quite hitting the target. "I grow tired of this" the noble mystic cried, then yelled "Wheel Slash" and striking forward. Ranma dodged the slash, but was surprised when a whirlwind of wind cuts sliced through her skin. She was thrown back by the force of the blast, hit the wall and fell on the floor. "The training is finished" the swordwoman turned around. "I don't think so" Ranma rose from the ground. She didn't know what had hit her, but she wasn't gonna lose this easily. "So you want another one, eh. Wheel Slash" she yelled, throwing another tornado of slices towards Ranma. "I can do it. I can do it. I can do it..." Ranma repeated in her mind "If I think I can do it, I will do it." Energy surged from within her "Mouko-Takabisha" she yelled. A bullet of burning confidence shot forth from her hands, ripping through the princess' sword technique like it wasn't there. Caught surprised, Lion didn't have time to evade and took the full force of the impact and flew to the side of the room. "Now I'm mad. Thunderbolt !" she raised her sword. Ranma prepared another energy strike, expecting a more powerful Wheel Slash. Lightning then struck directly on her. That didn't kill her, it only hurt and dazed her, but disabled her ability to dodge the fast stab toward her chest. Princess Lion's sword pierced all the way through Ranma's left lung. She cried out in pain. "NOW the training is over" was all Ranma heard before she blacked out... ******************************************* Ranma slowly regained her senses. What had happened ? Oh yeah ! Lion had stabbed her through the chest with a sword. Those things didn't impress her anyone. She had gotten used to getting killed and coming out OK. It just was normal now. Not that she'd try to kill himself, but it had happened so much times that it only seemed normal that she would come out OK. She looked around. Her trainer was seated on a coffin, polishing her sword. Ranma gradually rose. "Was about time you woke up ! Training will continue tomorrow. Now go get some sleep !" She disappeared, indicating clearly that training was over. Being totally drained, Ranma didn't argue and left the training area for her room. On her way she encountered Rastaban who was waiting for her on the bridge which lead to Lion's training area. "So how was your first training session, Lady Ranma ?" he asked, a smile on his face. Ranma was disgusted. She hated when someone called her "Lady". "Tiring, I must say. Can I rest before you give me whatever lessons you're supposed to teach me ?" she replied, hoping that she could at least rest a while before doing something else. "Sure, we'll start tomorrow before your training session with Princess Lion. Good night Lady Ranma" he then turned and walked away. "Rest..." Ranma chanted as a mantra while heading toward her bedroom. ******************************************* Asellus encountered Ranma while she was walking to her room after training. Training under Ildon was tough, tougher that anything she had ever done before. She was drained to the bone like she had never been. Things swirled in mind. Questions without answers. Why did she take men's clothes ? And, while we're at it, why did she want hot water ? There were so many things about her that didn't add up. She was as tired as she'd ever be, but that did mean that she couldn't ask questions... "Hey Ranma ! I've got a few questions for you..." even if she didn't like the fact that Ranma was hiding things from her, she could help but treat her well. She was a friend through shared experiences, and was in the same boat as her. She was an ally, not a traitor behind a mask. "Later, maybe. I have a feeling that walls have ears around here..." Ranma replied, trying to shake the feeling that she was watched. The rest of the way to their beds was made in silence, Asellus respecting Ranma's wish for peace and the other unable to shake a weird sensation. "Yo" They both heard as they walked into their room. "You were the one following us, weren't you ?" Ranma replied to Zozma, standing at the side of Asellus' bed. "Good senses with that. Oh, sorry, I didn't introduce myself last time. My name is Zozma. You're Asellus and Ranma, right ? "I don't care what your name is. What are you doing in our room ?" Asellus answered. Whatever she had been doing, it had made her quite edgy. "Easy lady, unless you want another enemy. Mystics are very easily offended." "So what do you want with us. Spying maybe" Ranma said, not liking unexpected visitors one bit. "Don't put me in the same class as the others. I'm different from them. They say I don't act like a high-class mystic. They even told me to stay out of the castle." "Then why are you here ?" Ranma demanded. "I kinda like this castle. The only one who can stop me from breaking in is Orlouge himself. The others are no match for my power." "Oh, what pride." Ranma and Asellus chorused. If the visitor had chi, he could probably have done a pretty good Mouko-Takabisha. "It's the truth. This small talk is getting rather boring. See you around..." and he vanished. "What was he here for ?" Ranma asked, but got no answer. "Now that he's gone, I can ask you a few questions." Ranma realized that he wasn't getting out of this one until he would have answered her questions. "Ok, but I have a question first. What exactly are mystics ?" Ranma said, patting the back of his head. That blew Asellus' top. "What weirdo am I stuck with now ?" she thought out loud. She couldn't help but cry out "Where do you come from if you don't know what mystics are ? And while were at it, Why the men's clothes ? And the hot water ?" Ranma was sure it was about that even before she started asking. She knew the other half-mystic was suspicious about her. Ranma had no choice but to explain. "I'll tell you, but you must promise to listen to everything, ok ?" "Sure, go ahead, shoot..." And so Ranma explained everything : Jusenkyo, his fiancées, his enemies, and the strange events that had lead her here. And Asellus didn't appear to believe a single word of it. Not that Ranma could blame her. She wouldn't probably have believed that before she was cursed. And it was Asellus who had demanded that she explained her origins. She didn't really want to (probably because she knew pretty well that she was not gonna believe any of it). "Now will you explain what mystics are ?" To say that Asellus was confused was like to imply that a mountain is a pebble. She didn't believe what Ranma had just explained, but she found it too elaborate to be a lie. You could not accept it nor deny it, so the only way left was ignoring it. She gathered her wits and answered Ranma's question "Frankly, I don't know much. Only legends and rumors. You should ask someone else. Maybe your guardian, Rastaban" Ranma was disappointed. She wanted to know at least what she had become. Now, she was half human and half of something she didn't know, and she didn't know how long she was about to stay that way. She might turn into a monster. She might have to suck blood to live. And she didn't want to think about the other possibilities. "The only important thing is finding our way out of here. And that can wait until tomorrow. So, if you don't have anything else to say, I'm going to sleep." with that, Asellus jumped into her bed and tried to fall asleep. "She's right. No use trying to escape today, we don't have a plan and we'll need one this time. All this can wait until the next day" he thought. He got into his own bed and started to sleep. ******************************************* "So they want to escape. Well that's perfect" Ciato whispered to himself, hiding his mystic power. He knew that Ranma had already been able to feel his presence, and didn't want to risk that now. He walked away silently, dreams of glory in his mind. If he could draw the power of Orlouge in these two, he could kill his lord and become the new ruler of Facinaturu.... Little did he know he was not the only one who had plans for the actions of these girls. ******************************************* Ranma was in the darkness. He was in his male form. In front of him was a window. It showed him the view of a parcel of road. He knew this road. He walked on it usually to get to school. Rather, he walked on the fence next to this road. He remembered walking there with Akane every morning. He would have told anybody, but he already missed Akane. He missed her smile, her energy, every little thing about her that no one but him noticed. He even missed her hammering him into the floor when he couldn't control his mouth. Speak of the devil. Akane was walking on the road right now. "What !?" Ranma yelled. Akane was walking hand-in-hand with Ryoga. Their were both smiling like nothing could ever bother them. Ranma tried to break through the glass. No effect. His punches only bounced on the glass. Ryoga and Akane approached their heads and kissed. And not any kiss. A large and long kiss, full of passion and of energy. The one that Ranma usually dreamed of giving to Akane. Something caught Ranma's attention. A glint of metal. From Akane's hand. A ring. And Ryoga was wearing one too... "NNNNNOOOOOOOO !!!!!" Ranma yelled, and the world shattered around him... ******************************************* Ranma woke up sweating like an amphibian in a desert. She remembered every little detail of her dream, even if she wished he could have forgotten all of this. She realized it was morning. Asellus was already gone, probably to train or to learn about mystic history. Not that she didn't care, but now all of that seemed insignificant and far away. Who knew what had happened in his world while she was away. Maybe Akane had married Ryoga. Maybe she had forgotten everything about Ranma. Maybe she was dead. Maybe... "It's no use thinking about that" her mind told her "It's only gonna hurt more. You need to concentrate on getting out of here. Then maybe you'll be able to return to Akane" With that he walked away, toward his training with The Lion Princess... ******************************************* Days passed. The training continued, each day more difficult. The first challenge was using a sword. The Princess had insisted that she should learn to use a sword to defend herself (she said that a true mystic had to know how to handle a sword). Second, she was now summoning monsters instead of fighting herself. The beasts were easy when she started, but went increasingly difficult (and numerous) with each passing day. Ranma could also tell that Asellus' training wasn't becoming any easier. She looked more and more out of breath after each training session. Ranma was getting good with her blade (she still insisted on using her fists to fight, but to no avail), but they had not yet found a way to escape the castle. The residents were too fearful of the mystic's wrath to help, and the mystics were the ones who forced them to stay. Still they searched, until... "Ranma !" Asellus cried out, seemingly overjoyed with something. "What ?" Ranma wasn't overjoyed at all. The latest training the Lion Princess had forced her to endure had been pretty rough. "I found a way out of here" she replied. "What !!!" Ranma suddenly jolted awake. Her soreness and lack of energy seemed unimportant in opposition to a way out of this hell. "The only thing I need now is money to pay our bus fare" Asellus said, a little doubtful. She wasn't sure if she could get money anywhere. "Well don't count on me for that. I already asked Rastaban to be paid for what I do and he replied that I had all I would require" Ranma said disappointed. She would have done anything to run away from this eerie place. "Maybe White Rose has some" Asellus informed. She trusted her caretaker to no end, even if she was one of Orlouge's arch-princesses. It was true the lady looked kind enough, but Ranma didn't trust any mystic one bit. "Wait for me at the gate. I'm going to talk to her." With that she ran away, toward the tower where White Rose slept. Ranma walked toward Château Aiguille's gates, a strange feeling arcing through her back. She dismissed it, concentrating on her way out of this place. ******************************************* After a few minutes a waiting, Asellus finally showed up. Unfortunately, White Rose was with her. On the white- haired mystic's face was a look of fear mixed with duty. She didn't know what to do, let Asellus and Ranma leave alone over betraying her Lord. Ranma spoke up right as she saw them "So, Lady Rose has decided to join us ?" "It is my duty to follow lady Asellus wherever she goes. My lord has given me this mission. Isn't Rastaban coming ?" White Rose replied, a certain uncertainty in her voice. "Not if I can help it. So where are we going now ?" Ranma turned toward Asellus, and awaited an answer. "Follow me !" she said. Everyone did. "Goodbye, castle of my nightmares. Hope I never get to see you again." Ranma whispered as she made her way through the gates and toward freedom... ******************************************* They ended up in a small house on the side of Rootville. Asellus had gotten the key to the usually locked door. Inside was a small slime (tamed, probably) who was apparently waiting for us. "Do you have the money" it said, anxious. "Yes" Asellus replied The slime pushed a bookcase out of the way, Behind it was a tunnel, one which Ranma thought led outside of the region. "Who gave you this information ?" Asellus' guardian asked, wondering who might want them to escape. "Ciato did" "I have a really bad feeling about this" White Rose replied. "Lady, you're not the only one." Ranma pointed out, the strange feeling from earlier still there to bother her. "Are you gonna let this chance get away ? This might be our only chance !" Asellus said, not giving up for one instant. "No way" If this could lead them outside, she was gonna take the risk. So the trio walked into the cavern, uncaring that they were going right where someone wanted them to be... ******************************************* The cave was full of monsters. Ranma and Asellus fought through easily, their recent training allowing them to defeat easily such puny critters. Ranma was impressed by Asellus' performance. She had gotten only a few weeks or so of training and was fighting pretty well for someone who used to be normal person... They continued through the rocky halls, fighting the beasts as they went. They didn't know where it would lead them, but they didn't care. Freedom was more important than anything at this instant. They finally ended on a ledge, with no apparent way to go but back to Rootville. Ranma and Asellus were raging. They had done all this work for nothing... "He's not here ! It was a trap !" Asellus cried out. "Ildon and Princess Lion are coming after us. Let me talk to them." White Rose said, still with her calm voice. "No. I'll fight." Asellus replied. The last thing she wanted now was to get back to the castle. Ranma was unable to say anything. She was still stuck here, in this land where she could not change back to her male self. And even more, she was forced to learn about mystic things that she did not even want to know about (Like how Orlouge became lord or other useless things like that). She could also feel Princess Lion coming. She was surprised not to feel Rastaban with them, but didn't put much thought on that. True enough, a few seconds later, Ildon and Princess Lion emerged from the tunnels. "No more childish pranks." Ildon said, unaffected by the failed escape. "Let's go back to the castle." "You too, Lady Ranma." Princess Lion added. "We cannot let you get away. Our Lord forbids it." "I am responsible. Let the Lord punish me, Ildon." White Rose replied, intending to take the blame on herself. "That's up to Lord Orlouge." Ildon answered. Four female guards appeared from behind him and blocked the door. "I'd rather die than go back there !" Asellus said, preparing for battle. Ranma got into his fighting stance. This was a battle they could not win, she could feel it. Ildon was probably better than Asellus, and Ranma could not yet beat her trainer. And that's not speaking about the four female guards with them. At least they would go down fighting. That's what Ranma thought until something grabbed her attention. A sound. Coming from the fissure behind them. A motor. Probably a boat or a plane. An idea flashed in Ranma mind. Ranma grabbed Asellus and White Rose, and jumped down the precipice. She was right, there was a plane at the bottom. With a few jumps, she made it down on the wings. "Sorry I'm late" the man in the cockpit said. That was probably the bus that Asellus had made a deal with. "Hurry, get on !" he cried out, and opened a door leading inside the plane. The trio jumped in, and the plane took off. "You brought a filthy machine to Facinaturu." Ildon cried out, but the group was already too far... ******************************************* The plane flew away from Facinaturu, granting his passengers a limited freedom from the Charm Lord's rules. "What's wrong ?" Asellus asked White Rose, who was fearful about something. "Is this your first time on a plane ?" "My Lord will be upset..." she replied, her hand shacking. "Everything will be fine..." Asellus answered. "Yeah, your lord can't get when were outside his domain" Ranma said, a large smile on her face. She couldn't have been more wrong. ******************************************* Shortly after their departure, Gina found out That Lady Asellus and Lady Ranma had left Facinaturu. Words couldn't express how she felt then... She feared she might never see them again. The members of Château Aiguille had also found out about their escape. "Asellus, Ranma, and Princess White Rose escaped from the region." Ciato informed his Lord about the situation at hand. "Most intriguing" he replied "I'm curious about what is passing through the minds of these half-mystics. Although, I'm not very pleased that they took White Rose with them." "What shall we do about Ildon and Princess Lion ?" the mystic servant inquired. "Leave them" Orlouge ordered. "But ..." He couldn't finish his sentence. Orlouge used his powers and Ciato was thrown around the room by the sheer force of his Lord's will. "Don't ever question me again." The lord said, then vanished from the throne room. "Yes, Lord..." Ciato answered, but his Lord had already left. ******************************************* The female trio was still on the plane. All were in silence after the events of the day. The pilot broke this silence. "Any of you want some coffee ?" "No, thanks." Ranma answered. Then something clicked. Coffee. Coffee was hot water. Hot water meant she could change back into a guy. And that she could get out of this stupid dress. Ranma eyed the bag of clothes in his hands. "Finally" she whispered to herself "I can finally turn back into a boy". Ranma had been in her female form too much for his liking... "I think I'm going to take up that offer for coffee." The pilot handed him a mug. "Careful it's hot" he said. He then went back to his piloting. "Is there a back room or something in this plane ?" Ranma asked, hoping for a positive answer. Changing in public was not what she wanted. "Why ?" the pilot shot back, curious. "I need to change" he simply said. The pilot pointed a door in the back of the plane. "Thanks." Ranma answered, and when in the other room with his bag and the coffee. For nearly a minute White Rose and Asellus exchanges questioning glances on Ranma's weird behavior. Their questions were answered when a boy came out of the room. He was a little taller than Lady Ranma was, and his hair was black. He was wearing an outfit that looked like Ciato's uniform only this one was green instead of Ciato's black. "Who are you ?" the two girls demanded in perfect coordination... ******************************************* Author's Notes : Finally chapter 2 finished. It took me 3 times more time to finish this chapter (Not to mention that he's smaller than the first one). I'll be trying to release 3 chapters per month. For those of you that want to send comments, I'll be glad to receive them at the same address as always (feels free to play the critic I really need it). In this chapter, I'd like to thank my mother for helping me with the English of this story, my family, for the cool birthday gifts, sofaspud's couch, for putting my fanfic on their site and all of my readers because they gave me a chance. Thanks, all of you. Next time: Ranma (as a guy, this time), Asellus and White try to help a water mystic imprisoned against her will. Meet the half mystics in the next chapter, Love Serenade of the Water Mystic. See you there ! Copyrights: Ranma 1/2 and all the characters from this series belong to Rumiko Takahashi and all places, people and objects from the Saga Frontier realm were created and belong to Squaresoft. Don't sue me, you surely have more important stuff to do. Written by Thierry Chartrand-Chamblay (A.k.a. Snapdragon) - April 2000 First Correction - May 2000 Second correction - September 2000 Third Correction - January 2002