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What Final Fantasy Tactics Character are YOU?

Ever wonder what you'd be in the Final Fantasy Tactics world ? Well look no further ! This survey tells you the answer ! This requires JavaScript.

  1. How are you feeling?
    I'm in a destructive mood.
    60 % happy, 25 % unhappy, 15 % bored.
    I must praise God for whatever is happening right now.
  2. You've been challenged by someone. What do you do?
    Jump on him.
    "By my sword, I accept your challenge !"
    Talk it out.
    Disappear and reappear with my sword in his back.
    Accept the challenge. Chances for experience have to be taken.!
  3. You've been ordered to kill someone. How do you do it?
    Challenge him in battle.
    An arrow in the head.
    Attack him in an alley and steal his soul.
    Poison is the key.
    Killing is not the way.
  4. How do you support your allies in battle ?
    If my opponents don't have weapons they're defenseless.
    By taking the fight to my enemies.
    By healing their wounds.
    By bending the laws of time.
    By calling powerful creatures.
  5. Saying you most agree with.
    You lose the focus, you lose the battle.
    There is no such thing as too much firepower.
    Dead men tell no tales.
    The higher you are, the more easily they'll fall.
    Knowledge is power.
  6. What do you do with your free time?
    Grab things at random.
    Help the people in need.
    Spy on people.
  7. How do you manage to pay the bills ?
    Assassination is very lucrative.
    I own a medecine shop.
    My lord furnishes me with what I need.
    I convince people to pay in my stead.
    I do math homeworks in my free time.
  8. The most important facet of the place you live in.
    My small, private chapel.
    A large number of places to hide stuff.
    Lots of clocks.
    The spirits that are there.
    Shadows everywhere.
  9. What word would describe you best ?
  10. What object would represent you best.
    A sword in the hands of a peasant.
    A whistle.
    An edict.
    An abacus.
  11. If You could make one wish, what would it be?
    To be unbeatable in combat.
    To be unable to miss.
    To be able to stop time.
    That everone would be happy and healthy.
  12. If you could transform into one thing, what would it be ?
    An angel.
    A hero in the eyes of the people.
    Anything as long as it's powerful.
    A dragon.
    A powerful beast.
  13. What is your goal in life?
    Becoming a lord.
    Learning all that can be.
    Mastering the way of the sword.
    Mastering myself through meditation.
  14. How do you relieve stress?
    By looking at all I've got.
    Talking it out.
    Helping those in need.
    Shooting things.
    I invent problems.
  15. What is your main defect?
    I'm not all that useful in combat.
    I'm weak in 1 on 1.
    Lack of speed.
    Power hungry.
    I tend to be too straightforward.
  16. Favorite color?
  17. You've just arrived in a new town. What do you look for first?
    Library or bookstore.
    An auditorium.
    Training Hall.
  18. What is important when choosing as mission?
    If it's for the good of all.
    The group I'll be working with.
    The target.
    If it's respectable or not.
  19. Favorite Anime?
    Detective Conan.
    Record of Lodoss War.
    Fist of the North Star.
    Ruroni Kenshin.
  20. What's more important in life?