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Subject: Hit and Run Card

Q: HIT AND RUN: Does the "Hit and Run" card to allow a cavalry unit to enter a woods or river hex on the first move then exit (possibly entering a second woods or river hex) on its second move?

A: -- Yes. The intent of this "Hit and Run" card, is to give the cavalry unit two movements on the same card play. Another way to state this is to say a cavalry unit is making two movement turns on this card play. Normal Cavalry movement is one to three hexes. When cavalry enters a terrain hex that halts movement, its movement is stopped. What the "Hit and Run" card lets you do is to make a second move on the same turn. The Cavalry may not battle twice on the turn; it may only battle after its first movement. Of course, it does not need to make a move and may target an enemy in an adjacent hex. After its battle it may make a move. Terrain effects would apply both after the first move or the second move, i.e. if the Cavalry moved into a woods hex on its first move, it could move no further and would not be able to battle either. It may make a second move.

One other note about the "Hit and Run" card. You do not need to run back after an attack. The card's name may imply this but the cavalry may move forward, back or to its flank. For the record, a cavalry unit doesn't have to battle at the end of its first move, to get its second move.

Richard Borg