Battle Cry-House Rules
Louis Wainwright <>
wrote in message:
After playing a number of games of Battle Cry at the gathering
our group game up with changes to two cards. The goal of these
changes it to 'flatten' the card power distribution.
All-Out Assault:
Current - Activate all of your units.
Revised - Activate any four units (Independant of region)
Reason - Simply put, over half the stories I heard about plays
of this game involved this card. It is at least twice as powerful
as the next strongest card in the game. Activate any four gives
it a unique ability and leaves it as the most powerful card in
the game.
Current - Activate one unit in a given region (region written
on card).
Revised - Activate one unit anywhere.
Reason - Skirmish is just too weak as written. It is the 4th most
powerful version of the same card (Activate All, 3, 2, or 1 in
a region). It is also less common in the deck than the activate
2 or 3 versions. The revision still leaves it slightly less powerful
than a Probe (move any 2) IMHO, but it brings it very close. Plus
the increased versitility makes it more interesting.
Overall Battle Cry is a fantastic game. It has a lot of luck,
but with these card changes I found the luck to be fun rather
than frustrating.