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Map of the World

This is the map of the world, you travel around the world to find secret items, materia, and weapons. You also encounter monsters along the way, certain monsters are stronger than others. You can only visit the item or weapon shop if you are in a town with a shop.


  1. Midgar-Your starting city, has an inn and both types of shops
  2. Kalm-Base town of AVALANCHE, has an inn and both types of shops
  3. Chocobo Ranch-has an inn and will keep chocobos for you for a fee
  4. Mythril Cave-when you kill a certain amount of monsters, I will reward you with a special item if you've killed the exact amount I need, no more no less
  5. Fort Condor-has an inn and an item shop
  6. Junon-use the boat here to travel across the sea to Costa del Sol, has an inn and a weapon shop with only armor
  7. Costa del Sol-resort town with both types of shops, you can buy a base for your party here, will provide you with a free inn cost:500,000 gil use the boat here to travel to Junon
  8. North Corel-Barret's hometown, has an inn and both types of shops
  9. The Gold Saucer-
  10. Gongaga
  11. Cosmo Canyon
  12. Wutai
  13. Nibelheim
  14. Rocket Town
  15. Mt. Nibel
  16. Bone Village
  17. Icicle Inn
  18. Temple of the Ancients
  19. Mideel
  20. Sunken Plane
  21. Chocobo Sage/ Shell Village
  22. Cactus Island
  23. Frogs
  24. Goblins
  25. Northern Cave/ Crater
  26. Gaea's Cliff
  27. Circle-X Cave
  28. Circle-C Chocobo Track