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Updates for C.W.P.

Frames updates of CWP


Every Time you visit this page, the sayings change,
or you can click on the links for the sayings to view the list for those sayings.


May 17, 2001 - Interview with Kevin Holland and David Violago, on judging their painting contests.

April 20, 2001 - Interview with Jeff, one of my local (Oahu, Hawaii) painting contest judges

March 04, 2001 - I opened my miniature Gallery #4,  This will be a "Guest" gallery for now.  What's in it you ask?  Well I commissioned Jennifer Haley to paint 1 Keltoi Fianna  (female) for me.  She said she was sorry it took so long to finish and sent me 2 painted miniatures.  The scans are her scans of the miniatures.
For those who don't know who Jennifer Haley is, she is a professional painter.   That means that she sells painted miniatures.  I think she is one of the best painters selling mini's.

January 07, 2001 - I added a link to Scorpienne's web page,   she has a very interesting article titled "Tabletop Games: How to be a good sport!"

December 22, 2000 - I made changes to my "Guest Log/Comments" in the Table of Contents. You can now post your opinions about my site.
I also added "
Polls" to the "Beginner/Foundation/Advanced" Painting Guides for guests to comment on the usefullness of my guides or post suggestions for improvements. and the last change was to the Picture "Galleries", I added a "Critique" log for all the galleries so visitors can post their opinions and critiques of my miniatures.

December 15, 2000 - I made changes to my "Table of Contents"
I also added excerpts from the egroups mini-painter list discussing "Selling stuff on Ebay". I also added a gallery of "pictures of my work area (where I paint)" I designed it and constructed it with the help of my friend
Brian Walczak.

November 15, 2000 - I made changes to my "Links" page, I broke the links into various categories and added an option for viewers to add links.
I also added an excerpt from the egroups mini-painter list discussing "Lighting Angles", shading and highlighting.

October 24, 2000 - I added 2 new pages, "Brushes - Selection & Care", this was posted to egroups mini-painter by Bobby Wong (GW Golden Demon winner) at the bottom I also included a link to Dominic Heutelbeck's site called "" Dominic Heutelbeck has an excellent page on Brushes, also another posting to egroups by Billiam, this one is titled "Dremel use" and as the title indicates, he writes concisely on how to use the Dremel tool.

October 6, 2000 - I added a new page "Humorous Things" some twists on the 1/2 half glass full or empty question.

October 3, 2000 - I added a "Product Rant & Comment" page to my site. If you have a tip about some tool/paint/etc, or a rant about it, or even a question on how to use something like a pin vise (for that matter, what is a "pin vise") you can post it here.
Also thanks to
Tim DuPertuis for sending me a tip on scanning which can be found on my "Scanning Pics" Page

September 20, 2000 - Well, this is the first ever update of my site,
I replaced the Title graphic for the Entrance page so it will load faster.
I removed the background graphic for this page, and now you can read what I write here.
I also I added a "Guest Log & Comment" page.
I Added an article titled "Ah Hah-a must read! by
Daniel Cook" to the Painting Advice section. Really, I it is a must read.
All this is possible because I got an additional 5mb from Angelfire for my site (thanks Angelfire). I'll be adding more in the near future and making some changes.




July 1, 2000 - This $#%!&&*#@! site is finally launched. (I'll just sit in my corner here and keep telling myself it was worth it...)

June 2000 - Posting web pages to Angelfire, correcting the #!*%$!??&$#! incorrect links, missing links, etc. Well, I guess I do want to do this, don't I? (hmm, maybe I can somehow trick Troy into posting my stuff to his site...)

January 2000 to May 2000 - Learning something about building a web site, experimenting with different free web hosting sites and finally settling on Angelfire for my site.

January 2000 sometime - Troy Arakaki told me it might be better for me to make my own site to post my painting advice documents. He didn't have time to put it on his site at So he sent me some free sites to investigate and that started the ball rolling.
