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Caution - Wet Paint

This Gallery is actually 4 pictures taken of my work space.  The pics were taken in situ.  My work area was not cleaned up,  That's just how it always looks.

Click on the thumbs to see the larger pics.

T-Miniatures work cabinet-full length.jpg (15996 bytes)

T-Miniatures work cabinet-standing & looking down.jpg (29153 bytes)

This is a full cabinet shot of my work area.  It is actually built like a free standing closet. 8'x4'x2'
I sit on the rug on the floor right in front of it to paint etc.
This is a standing shot looking down on my painting area.

T-Miniatures work cabinet-eye view.jpg (28060 bytes)

T-Miniatures work cabinet-above eye view.jpg (24755 bytes)

This is a shot from eye level when I'm sitting down on the floor looking straight ahead This is a shot from eye level when I'm sitting down on the floor looking up