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Caution - Wet Paint

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Humorous Things

You know the saying/question:
"Presented with half a glass of water. The optimist says the glass is half full. The pessimist says the glass is half empty."

Well, here are some painting oriented versions: (excerpts from egroups "mini-painter" discussion list)

The gamer says the miniatures is painted enough to game with.
The painter says the miniature is only half painted,
The 12 year old says your painting sucks and proudly displays his terribly painted miniature for your perusal."
Kenneth Taba

The gamer says, "but primer is paint!",
The painter says, "it's only half as good as I imagined it would be!", and
The 12 year old says, "my friend paints at a 10+ for only $0.75 a fig!"
Scott Longberry

"Painter says, now that's a Golden Demon quality paint job,
The mother of the 12 year olds says, nice.
The 12 year old picks it up and snaps the arm off"
Kenneth Taba

Painter says, "Now that's a Golden Demon quality paint job".
The mother of the 12 year old says, "Nice TOY". And
The 12 year old tosses it over his shoulder in dismissal, snapping the arm off! :)
Scott Longberry

"The painter thinks "I can paint better than this",
The gamer thinks "What a cool character figure",
The 12 year old thinks "I wonder how much I could get on ebay for this".
Kenneth Taba

The gamer picks up the mini with greasy pizza covered fingers and says: "Uhh... Cool."
The painter: <eyes get huge> "Aaarrggh!" <pulls out clumps of hair>
The 12 year old picks it up and starts bashing it against your monster mini saying: "Take that! And that! Annddd that!"
Derek Carmichael



"Painter says, now that's a Golden Demon quality paint job,
The mother of the 12 year olds says, nice.
The 12 year old picks it up and snaps the arm off"

The Political Version:
The mother says, "OMIGOD, a lead toy!!" and calls HAZMAT and several news organizations to report the marketing of harmful toys to children. A neighbor overhears this and calls for a boycott of the miniature company because their toys promote violence and Satanic worship. Tipper Gore writes an "informed" article on the Golden Demon satanic cult and all the innocent children killed by cult members who can't tell role-playing from reality.
--Oh, wait...that happened back in First Edition!
Melissa Grey


The REVENGE version:
The mother says, "oops" and apologizes for her son, who is already eyeing another of your miniatures. You immediately grab the child and tie him up, giving the clueless mother an ultimatum, "you have 5 years to learn to paint a miniature that well to replace the one your child broke, or I dip the kid in varnish and sell him as a life size resin cast model."
Kenneth Taba


The PARENT'S version:
The mother is too busy picking up socks and wiping peanut butter off the couch to learn to paint, so you end up dipping her son in varnish and making a life size resin cast model of him. The mother says, "I wonder how much I can get for that on e-bay?"
Melissa Grey