Sumo Bots!!!

Sumo Bots. You have probably never heard of these things, sumo bots. You ask, "what the heck are sumo bots?!" I will tell you. They are little fighting robots. They come in a $50 kit (per robot)(it might seem like a lot, but it is well worth it!) You put together the small robots. It takes about 1 1/2 hours to put each one together. They are actually kind of fun to put together.

How they work

The little sumo bots have an infared sensor on it, that whatever it detects, it will zoom at it, trying to ram it with it's two little arms. It sort of looks like a little tank.

See some of the pictures of my sumo bots!!


Think you might want to buy a Sumo Bot? Get more info, and order the Sumo Bot Here!