Original NES Game Genie codes created by: Tony Hedstrom t.hed@excite.com Journey to Silius YOKSOGZE start with all 6 weapons! LXOETOLE jump all the way to the top of the screen TEKSOGZA start with Hand Gun, Shot Gun, and Lazer YEKSOGZA start with Hand Gun, Shot Gun, Lazer Gun, and Machine Gun. IEKSOGZE start with Hand Gun, Machine Gun, Lazer, and Homing Missile. GOKSOGZA start with Hand Gun, Grenade Launcher, and Lazer Gun. TEKSOGZE start with Hand Gun, Shot Gun, Lazer Gun, and Homing Missile. GEKSOGZE start with Hand Gun, Lazer Gun, and Homing Missile. TOKSOGZA start with Hand Gun, Shot Gun, Lazer Gun, and Grenade Launcher. LEKSOGZE start with Hand Gun, Machine Gun, Shot Gun, and Homing Missile. YEKSOGZE start with Hand Gun, Machine Gun, Shot Gun, Lazer Gun, and Homing Missile. AOKSOGZE start with Hand Gun, Homing Missile, and Grenade Launcher. YOKSOGZA start with Hand Gun, Machine Gun, Shot Gun, Lazer Gun, and Grenade Launcher. IOKSOGZE start with Hand Gun, Machine Gun, Lazer, Homing Gun, and Grenade Launcher.