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"Test" is the mysterious unknown alter-ego of the Dallas Crew. Nobody is quite sure who he is or where he came from, but we all like him. As an alter-ego, Test enjoys saying whatever he wants, whenever he wants with no consequences. Here is how Test came about in the first place. It all started when he created a "test" account on Zaibatsu to see how it worked. Soon, Test had fun posting whatever he wanted and causing trouble on the forums. One of his more notable moments came when he accused Castel (Zaibatsu creator and moderator) of being a "sell-out" by letting other web sites put up free advertising on Zaibatsu, thus slowing it down for all the loyal users. That generated a lot of heat, and gave Test a hated name.

After that, Test was not seen for a long time. Then, a few months ago, Test noticed that a lot of states outside of Texas (namely California and Arizona) were starting to trash talk the state of Texas. Well, according to Test, he wasn't gonna have that! Therefore, as of late, Test has taken the role of "local hero" by supporting the honor of all Texas players while talking lots of shit at the so-called California "elites." Often, his approach to trash talking is comical and gets a very positive reaction. So, hopefully with his help, some people are starting to realize that you just don't fuck with Texas and get away with it.

So, with that being said, please check out this unconventional bio page for an unconventional man, Test. He has provided me with a unique look into his odd psyche. Enjoy!


Dallas, TX
Tekken History

All we know is that Test just started playing Tekken seriously with the release of Tekken Tag in the arcades. He is an intermediate player now, but with the release of the PS2, he hopes to sharpen his skills so that he can help represent the great state of Texas in future Tekken tournaments.


Test gets most of his influence from watching wrestling. Granted, this probably dosen't help him much in the Tekken area, but it sure makes for some fun situations and conversations. He truly believes that wrestling can be added to any situation to make it better. Some of the stuff he thinks of is just priceless. He is definately a total wrestling nutjob.

Role Model

For some dumb reason, Test insisted that I tell the world that his role model is WWF wrestling superstar Razor Ramon.

Dream Match

To challenge Razor Ramon to a Ladder Match for the WWF Intercontinental Championship!!!!

Famous Quotes

"You cannot pass the test."
"Test...test....this is a test."
"Don't sing it, bring it!"

Other Random Info

Likes to talk shit.
Gets pissed when people make fun of the crew.
Hates shit-talking Tekken players with a passion....and often dreams of powerbombing them into various things such as tables, chairs, and arcade machines.

Contact Info

Tekken Zaibatsu Forum


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