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1. Singori Castle. (Kingdom of Singori)Home of the Royal Family and Capital of Singori.

2. Castle Blackheart, the City of Singori, & the Guardian Arena. Fortress of the Dark Guardians, City of the people of Singori, and training grounds for the DG.

3. Darkhaven. Small hunting town with a great Inn.

4. Alazar. Duchy and sea port.

5. Kanji. The Fields of Blood....

6. Calderan. Elven forests, home of the elven and winged elf races.

7. Dragon Isles. Home of the Dragon Races of Singori.

8. Baarkos. Swamplands known to inhabit a majority of the Giant race.

9. Tysis. A large city consisting of nothing but humans, who wish to be distanced from the other races of the realm.

10. Free Port. A true outpost of Pirates, built at the northern entrance to the Crystalis wastelands.

11. West Port. A thriving shipping port which is constantly at war with it's neighbors to the east.

12. East Port. A thriving shipping port which is constantly at war with it's neighbors to the west.

13. Radgar. A peaceful farming community.

14. Jarxis. A fishing village in the middle of nowhere, but said to have some of the best fishing spots in the entire realm.

15. Swamps of Balakar. Fetid swampland overflowing with all manner of vile beast.

16. Wutagna. Richest shipping port of the Kingdom, Wutagna also holds a garrison of Dragon Knight warriors.

17. Watcher's Point. A small Duchy and prosperous fishing port, none recall why it is called "watcher's" point.

18. Brookhaven. Farmlands.

19. Edmonton. More Farmlands.

20. Garaton. Dragon Knight outpost, in Wutagna.

21. Milan. A town of Slavers, Smugglers, and Thieves.

22. Alundria. Home of the faerie race.

23. Fountain Temple.(Vacation home of the High King)

24. Calendria. Small town famous for the battle won against the Dark Elves many years ago with the help of Darkness and his Dragon Knights.

25. Satadma. Kingdom of Satadma.

26. Ruins of Vengeance. Former home of Anubis Vengeance.

27. Falcon's Rest. A hunter's community with a large lodge.

28. Cervesti. A small Duchy in Satadma.

29. East Warden. Fortress.

30. North Port. Prosperous Port City.

31. Caldazaria. Port city.

32. Raider's Cove. Former pirates den turned into a rich Port City.

33. Isle of Storms. Unreachable by nearly any means, this is the location of the Temple of the God of Storms.