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Fan Art
Ok! I have no fan art right now. So, I need to people to send in their art. I am not going to give out my address for my house, so those of you with scanners, digital cameras, or pc cameras whip them out and copy your artwork onto your computer, somehow. Than, just E-Mail Me with your art. Please, for the love of G-D (yours or mine) send your fan art in. I will be running a contest. Starting today I will run the contest for as long as it takes and when I start getting art than I will set a date to end the contest. Send your art and they will be numbered. People will than look at the number and vote on it in a webpoll. The winner will get something. I haven't decided what you will get. I don't have a lot of money and do not have a wide collection of electronics to just give out, so email suggestions. KEEP WHAT I JUST SAID IN MIND! Ok, that is the deal. Send your art!
Special Thanks to Danger Zone:
Thank you for allowing me to use such quality images, from your site, on my site.