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Fast Breeds

Requirements: Two birds, Slime*, Coatol(not needed, but helpful. Otherwise, use any kind of dragon), Teto's Iceman
If you are wondering how you can get a Coatol while still being able to breed with Teto's Iceman, breed Pteranod with MadKnight. Also, Coatol and the Slime must be opposite genders. Remember to level up your monsters enough so they will have fairly high stats and learn certain moves. I recommend using Healer as the Slime to breed for DrakSlime.

  • Breed a Bird with Iceman to get Blizzardy.
  • Breed a Slime* with Dragon* to get DrakSlime. Make sure DrakSlime levels up high enough to get Bang.
  • Breed the other Bird with DrakSlime to get Phoenix.
  • Make sure Blizzardy and Phoenix are the opposite sex. Level them up until they are at their max level. Make sure Phoenix has Bang.
  • Finally, breed Blizzardy with Phoenix to get RainHawk. FrigidAir will turn into WhiteAir, FireAir will become WhiteFire, and Bang will evolve to Explodet. They will combine to form BigBang!

    Requirements: Many meat treats, access to Gate of Control
    Train all your monsters to the max level with Mettables before breeding.

  • Steal a LavaMan.
  • Steal a MetalDrak and Skullgon.
  • Breed MetalDrak and Skullgon for an IceMan.
  • While training IceMan, steal a KingSlime.
  • Breed IceMan and LavaMan for GoldGolem.
  • Breed GoldGolem with KingSlime for GoldSlime.

    Requirements: Picky, Gremlin (must be opposite sex of Picky), Demonite

  • Catch a Demonite
  • While training Demonite catch a Picky and a Gremlin
  • Breed Picky and Gremiln to get Demonite
  • Breed both Demonites together to get GateGaurd.

    Requirements: SkyDragon, BattleRex, Golem, MedusaEye
    You can get a MedusaEye by breeding a Demonite with DragonKid. This is designed so you can get a Divinegon right after you beat the Gate of Anger and get BattleRex. You will also need to have held on to your Golem from the Gate of Talisman. Get the SkyDragon from the farm before you beat the Gate of Anger. It will take an eternity to level up Divinegon this early, added on that Dragons take longer to level up.

  • Breed BattleRex with Golem to get Andreal.
  • Breed Andreal with MedusaEye for Orochi.
  • Breed SkyDragon with Orochi to get Divinegon.

    Requirements: A bird, access to May's Rayburn
    As you may of noticed, the requirements for this WhipBird is very low. However, there will be a big difference in what kind of WhipBird you will get. Try to add pluses with the bird you breed in. I suggest to use a Wyvern with a breeded in MadCondor so WhipBird can get Heal and HealUs.

  • As you may of figured out, breed the bird with May's Rayburn.

    Requirements: EvilSeed, GoHopper, Devil*, Plant*

  • Breed the GoHopper with the Demon* for an Eyeball.
  • Breed the Eyeball with the Plant* for and EvilSeed.
  • Breed the 2 EvilSeeds together to get ManEater
    NOTE: If you repeat these steps again and breed the 2 ManEaters together you will get Snapper.