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Ultimate GoldSlime

This is Yash Gad's method of getting a GoldSlime with GigaSlash, MultiCut, HellBlast, BigBang, HealUsAll, Revive, WhiteAir, and WhiteFire. I'm not so sure WhiteAir and WhiteFire would be a great addition, so teach moves you want to a bug, breed it with a Slime* to get Snaily, and breed Snaily into GoldSlime.


SpotKing with MadCondor (HealUs):

MadCondor = LandOwl + MadKnight (GigaSlash)
SpotKing = MetalKing (HellBlast) + Unicorn (Vivify)
MetalKing = Mettable + Mettable
Unicorn = WildApe + Slime*


This is a little tricky. Yash said to breed Iceman/Lavaman with a Devil to get Balzak for Multicut. But Balzak with Iceman/Lavaman doesn't make GoldGolem. So I am assuming that you need 2 of Iceman and breed Balzak into the second one.
GoldGolem = Iceman + Lavaman
Iceman = Iceman + Balzak
Balzak = Iceman + Devil*
Lavaman = Steal it, or MetalDrak + Orochi


KingSlime (Heal) + GoldGolem (BigBang)