Cool Boarders 4

Producer: 989 Studios

Best Feature: The simple control

Worst Feature: It’s 3 with 4 player support and real boarders

Supports: Memory Card, Dual Shock, and Multi Tab – 4 Players

Welcome back to the slopes ladies and gentlemen. 989 have added 4-player support, real boarders, and create a boarder. They must have thought it would sell just because of these new features. Sorry but I can’t help but think that 989 didn’t take more then a week on this game. Now that I’ve cleared that up here is a review for Cool Boarders 4 and Cool Boarders 3. The game has pretty good graphics even though they could be better. The control is Cool Boarders 2’s simplified which is awesome. The game is fun but yet it seams to be missing something that keeps it from outstanding. It’s still pretty cool though. If you like past Cool Boarder’s games pick this one up. If you don’t four won’t change your mind. So I guess if you’ve never played Cool Boarders then you might want to pick this one up but if your expecting something that past snow boarding games haven’t had the only thing this one has is create a boarder which is sub par. This one is good but it’s cool boarders and that’s it.

Score 7.5 out of 10

Graphics – 6.5

Sound – 8

Play Control – 9

Replay - 6