Perfect Dark Review

Producer: Rare

Best Feature: It is the best first person shooter for any console.
Worst Feature: The frame rate is slow with lots of people on the screen.
Supports: Memory Card, Rumble Pack, Expansion Pack, Transfer Pack, and four-player support.
Created by Rare  
Ok after my friend and me were kings of Goldeneye,the best first person shooter for any system, before Quake 2. Well we thought that we would tackle this one. Well it is one hell of a game. Well everyone asks me what makes it awesome: first this uses the motto game play is the number one priority, then of course it’s super well equipped this baby has got so many modes it’s scary, and to finish this bitch off it’s got more action then most movies. Add a great story. Some of the best cinemas ever, and you got one of the best games ever. Ok this game does have a few flaws, that range from the slowest frame rate in a fps since quake 2 on a 133 MHZ processor,to the amazingly cheap perfect and dark sims. All and all this is the best fps for any console and pushes the 64 to the limits and maybe even beyond I cannot say enough about this game buy it.
Score 9.9 out of 10
Reviewed by: Robzilla