Resident Evil 3

Producer: Capcom

Best Feature: It’s a RE game for 20 bucks

Worst Feature: Long Loading Times

Supports: VMU and jump pack

After playing RE3 for PSX I was hoping this game would be a lot better then that. Too bad that all they added was better graphics and a new VMU status meter. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the PSX version, RE3 has quite a few tough puzzles, quite a bit of shooting, lots of blood and gore, and of course last but not least one hell of a story. The puzzles are tough but they could have been tougher. The graphics are good but they could have been better. The sound is ok but it could have been better. This RE is lacking in every category there’s no way around it. Capcom must have realized that and that’s why it’s only 20 bucks. Overall it’s still a must own for Dreamcasters who want RE3 for DC.

Score 8 out of 10

Graphics – 8.5

Sound – 8.5

Control – 8

Replay - 6