Name: Elsura Dauniir
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Human
Class: Mage/Alchemist
Level: 19/15
Sex: Female
Age: 37
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 125
Hair: Black
Eyes: Gold-Green
Religion: Ra (Egyptian)
Strength: 13
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 18
Intelligence: 18
Wisdom: 17
Charisma: 17
Comeliness: 17
Weapon(s): Darts of Homing (10)
Armor: Bracers, Ring +3
Languages: Common, Elven, ancient Mage, and Mage
Weapon Proficiencies:
Dagger Dart(s) Snake Staff Blowgun
Non-weapon Proficiencies:
Read/Write (Common, Elven, Ancient Mage, Mage) Alchemy Cooking Fishing Direction Sense Herbalism Singing Spellcraft Swimming Weather Sense Running
Red Fox Wolverine Hawk Chimpanzee Timber Wolf
Personality: She is Kind hearted and loves to flirt. She is one to mainly play around with different things whether it be Magic, Alchemy, or men she just loves to play.
Description: Elsura Dauniir is a rather average height human woman, she has all the features that would just drive a normal man nuts. She wears a high shirt that only comes down just below her rib cage. She wears a Skirt that doesn't even go to her knees. she has no armor other than the magic rings that she has for protection. She wears a red cloak but you can still see all her features from the front. She has a nicely tanned body, and long smooth legs. She has black hair and golden-green eyes that can pierce any man's armor.
Background: Lets just say she like to keep her past behind her and her future
in front. (Her past is a twisted mix of many things and if I told you her past
then you would know her little secrets and that wouldn't be any fun now would