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v2.0 - Remodeled
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Updated April 04, 2002

Welcome everyone! Like the new layout? I do, I haven't updated in along time b/c I've been so busy! Anyway, A long while back, I took over this site (Webmistress from ROTS, in teh links if ya wanna go there) This used to be my boyfriend's site, but he got sick of it. But whatever ^_^ So This layout features the seductive and sexy Wicked Lady, any guy's dream catch. Heh.

Sooo...Check out the features and stuff of the site, this is the only page that changed, I havent really the time right now to change everything else, but this page could use some sprucing ^_^

swordhamster got their NeoPet at
I Got This Cute lil' Guy at
Sign up there and make your OWN lil' pet!