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Adelbert Steiner

Think of Berret, make him white, make him the princesses guard. Accually, Steiner is very well designed and will promise to be more than a brute with little defence. All that is known about him right now is that he is a guard for a capured princess and that he is willing to risk his lfe to save her. It is highly provable that you will control him out of battles for quite a while refering back to Ito's comment of how you will control many cheracters not just the "main" cheracter. Steiner seems to waddle as he walks sort of similar to a penguin. He also doesn't seem to run very fast but that is fine, square wasn't designing a Zell when they created Steiner. By looking at many pictures, it seems that Steiner is quite serious but not afraid to smile or laugh. Steiner and VIVI make it very evidnet that Square is going back to the Motley Crue of many previous Final Fanatasy games. Once more info is available then I'll pass it on to you!

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