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Zidane Tribal

Following in the Squaresoft tridition of blonde hair, blue eyed, loner maincharecters; Zitane looks to be a lot like Cloud and Squall before him. But don't write him of just yet, we still do not know all there is to know about our teenage midget friend. He, most likely, will be the steady in the game with well balenced attack, magic, defence etc. . Ito has already said that indivisual stories will be sacrafised for the good of the overall story. So, in other words, you'll be playing as him a lot less than you did with Cloud and Squall. What's known about him is that he is from a poor area and is mostlikely poor, and for some odd reason, he has a tail. Is he human? probably not!. I like the tail, though, it shows more difference in the usual main cheracter. If you have seen the now famous Final Fantasy IX Coke commercial, you'll notice an indisclosed cheracter. She looks like a mini- Rinoa and looks as if she is the same species as Zidane, could this mean a relationship for our 14-year-old friend?. Also in the commercial, you'll notice that Zidane has lots of youth and energy. He bounces roof to to roof top, runs allong the streets and always seems to be jumpimg; Another great change from the "whatever happens, happens" attitude of Cloud and Squall. Zidane is also known as a ladies man. Maybe it's the fact that he looks like a mini- Leonardo Dicaprio, whatever the case, Zidane will be charming and swave. One thing that bothers me and pleases me at the same time is the cheracter design of Zidane. I mean, sure he is very well created and everything, but would it be so hard for Sqaure to get the preportions right!. C'mon, with a head that big, it's sure to fall off!. Anyways, Zidane should be more than out average Final Fantasy main cheracter, let's just hope Square releases some more info on him!.
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