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Saturday, August 26

Updates (3:00PM CST)

The Saturday update is back in form.  However, I don't know if I'll be able to maintain the Wednesday updates.  We'll see how it all goes.  Heck, I may even look for some help!

Battle in nothingness (3:00PM CST)

Independence:  The Ancient Trap goes into it's seventh chapter.  The Shivans don't seem to like the idea of the Independence getting out.  I wonder why.

Story Time! (3:00PM CST)

Once, long ago, an author wrote a book called The Titan.  It was about a ship that hit an ice berg on it's maiden voyage and sank.  Some years later, the Titanic went down just as that author described.  This is the feeling I get when ever I read War of the Titans, just not so much so.  Read it your self and tell me you don't see what I mean.

Poll update (3:00PM CST)

The poll has been up about two weeks now.  If you haven't voted on what you think should change on the Archive, do it now.  I'll announce sometime next month what I'm going to be doing.

Wednesday, August 16

Quick update (8:00PM CST)

Due to time constraints, I only have enough time to post the next chapter to Independence:  The Ancient Trap.  Sorry, but I'm really busy.

Sunday, August 20

Poll Update 2:  The Return (6:00PM CST)

Apparently most of you don't like our images.  Well, we'll see about replacing them, maybe. I still want this thing up for a couple more weeks.  Remember, if you have a suggestion, e-mail yours truely and tell me.

A ghost ship (6:00PM CST)

Titan's Independence:  The Ancient Trap enters it's fifth chapter.  Today, a horrifying discovery.

The regulars (6:00PM CST)

PeachE has yet another story ready for the Archive, The Star of Polaris.  Check it out, it's damn good.

Story Time! (6:00PM CST)

Today I add A Dish Best Served Cold... by Matthew Cook.  Personally, I prefer it only slightly chilled, but what do I know?

Sorry (6:00PM CST)

My apologies for a late update.  It could not be prevented.  I hope the both of you will forgive me.

Wednesday, August 16

Poll Update (1:00PM CST)

Well, the poll seems to be doing well.  It looks like most of you want either new images or a new layout.  To make it a little easier on me, if you have a suggestion, e-mail me or use the comment section on the results page for the poll.  It'll be up for a bit, so vote at your leisure.

A Wonder in the Making (1:00PM CST)

Today I introduce you to our newest member, Killer Instinct, a friend of Titan's.  Go read the first chapter of his story, Celafices: A Wonder in the Making.

The story before the story (1:00PM CST)

PeachE has been on a roll lately.  Today I introduce his third work on the Archive, Ross 128.  No, not the website.  Go read it for details.

It's a very busy trap (1:00PM CST)

The next chapter to Titan's story, Independence:  The Ancient Trap, is now up.  Join in as the Independence makes a shocking discovery.

Saturday's update (1:00PM CST)

As I said last time, I may have problems getting this Saturday's additions up.  I will have an update sometime this weekend, but when will be the question.  See you then!

Saturday, August 12

Hey look!  A Poll! (3:00PM CST)

That's right, there's a poll on the Archive.  I've been playing with ideas to improve the Archive, but I can't decide which on to do, so I'm asking for your opinion.  You can choose either New Images (pictures, icons), New Layout (where everything is), More Features (articles, rants, other things), Expansion (going beyond Freespace), and Don't Change Anything.  I'll leave the poll up for a couple of weeks, so vote at your leisure.

The Dubbe Triangle (3:00PM CST)

Another update, another addition to Titan's Independence:  The Ancient Trap.  The third chapter gives the Independence crew a hint as to what happened to the Pinecone, and then some.

Victory?  Not quite. (3:00PM CST)

PeachE continues to write great things.  This time, he's produced a short story called Ambiguous Victories.  I think this story truly captures the feeling of Freespace.

Story Time! (3:00PM CST)

I'm just going to put that in the title from now on.  Today, I present Duel by Dan "Desvon" Adams.  There only a handful of stories that exceed this one in greatness as far as I'm concerned, but I'll let you make your own mind on this one.

So you know (3:00PM CST)

Due to circumstances beyond my control, next Saturday's update will either be early, late, or non-existant.  Sorry ahead of time.

Wednesday, August 9

Haven's Gate (1:00PM CST)

Chapter three of Alliances finally came in last week, and I've posted it this week.  This chapter has some pretty unbelieveable things going on, so read it very carefully.

Looky here! (1:00PM CST)

I did it!  I got the first part of the Writers Workshop up!  Well, actually the introduction and first part, but let's not get picky.  Look it up in the Staff Articles section of the Archive.

One of these things. . . (1:00PM CST)

Changes may soon be coming to the Archive.  First of all, I've made an ever so slight change to the site.  If you first don't see it, clear your cache and reload the pages.  You should see it then.  As for other changes, I'll be asking you what I should do next soon enough.

Saturday, August 5

July month in review (2:00PM CST)

The Monthly Review for July is now up.  Go read it to see what you missed.  It's under the Staff Articles section of the Archive.

Meltdown (2:00PM CST)

Today's Story Time! addition is Meltdown by Alan J. Sanders.  It's a quaint little story about death and violence, like most of the other stories here.  Take a look, you'll be pleaseantly surprised with the ending.

Trap, trap, trap, trap (2:00PM CST)

I'm still working on remembering it's called Independence:  The Ancient Trap.  While I'm working on moving the name to my long term memory, put chapter two into yours.

The Writers Workshop, still working (2:00PM CST)

I've almost got the first addition to the Writers Workshop done.  Right now it's going through proof reading and editing, so expect to see it soon, hopefully by Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 2

News archived (8:00PM CST)

Well, I've archived the news again, not that you care.  I'll put up a monthly review by Saturday, I hope.

New Enemy (8:00PM CST)

One of the newer incomplete stories, Chad Rupert's New Enemy is today's feature story.  Go read all three chapters of it.

It's TRAP, not GATE! (8:00PM CST)

Color me stupid.  On Saturday I announced Titan's new story, unfortuantly, I read the title wrong.  It's actually Independence:  The Ancient Trap, not the Ancient Gate.  I'll learn to read one day, until then, you should read the revamped Prolouge and First Chapter of the Ancient Trap.


I am not responsible for the use or misuse of information on this or anyother website.  I am not taking credit for the story in Descent:  Freespace The Great War.  I have just extrapolated a story from the plot and created this concept.  I do not plan to sell it and do not pretend to know more than I do.  In other words:  PLEASE DON’T SUE ME! All this neat Freespace stuff is the copyright of Interplay Inc. and Volition Inc. and not mine, I just like playing with it.  Anything submitted to the Archive is mine to do with as I please.  If you don't like it, don't submit anything, alright?  Read main disclaimer for more.  My lawyer loves it when I write this stuff in small print.