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It’s A Mystery

        We were in need of a destroyer, which would SCAN, DESTROY and EXPLORE. Admiral Procter assigned the new GTVA Celafices.

        “Ash what are you doing?”

        “Oh hey Bill. I was just reading the information about the Celafices. Do you know they are going to start constructing it tomorrow? And they have asked me to protect some of the equipment.”

        “Cool, good luck!”

        “Anyway what did you want?”

        “Oh Err can you keep a secret?”

        “Sure go ahead”

        “Okay I think the Shivans are going to return”

        “What the hell”

        “Well I have been having these strange dreams of the future and the Celafices doesn’t exist.”

        “What do you mean?”

        “Well I was on the GTVA AGUITAINE and the Shivans attacked. They came aboard and killed us all. I was the last one left. A Shivan walked right up to me. The triangle on its head begun to glow and then some kind of strange light came out of it and my dream ended. So the Shivans probably destroyed the Celafices during construction”.

        “Wow, some dream”

        “Yeah. Please promise you won’t tell”

        “Don’t worry I won’t. You can trust me”.

*    *    *

        The construction of the Celafices had started. This would be the first destroyer to actually take part in a lot of important missions. There are some rumours going around about the Shivans returning and destroying the GTVA but not to worry there just rumours.

        Lieutenant Ash was already out protecting and patrolling the area in which the construction was taking place.  It had been a pretty quiet day with only the occasional NTF fighter jumping in or equipment floating away in to space. Ash was just about to return to base when one piece of equipment suddenly blow up. For a moment his heart sank the words of bill came to mind {Shivans returning}. He quickly hit his after burners and was soon on the case. When he got there he saw bits of asteroid floating around where the equipment was. “What happened here Delta?” Asked Ash hopefully.

        “Oh nothing to worry about Alpha. Just an asteroid floating about. Not to worry it’s only small.

        “Did it hit anything important?”

        “Kind of. The asteroid hit one of the flak guns but another one can easily be made. Seeya back at base Over and out.”

        Relived, Lieutenant Ash departed.  Ash was just about to get the sleep he deserved when he was called to debriefing.

*    *    *

        Okay pilots this mission is of great importance. The NTF have tried to destroy our ships in construction before so we want to wipe out the NTF Station that is situated in this system. There are many more NTF Stations all over the Galaxy so if we do wipe out this one the NTF may just send more and more until the Celafices is either destroyed or constructed. The Station {NTF TERRIES} is situated 20,000 klic’s from where the Celafices lays. So go there, destroy it and come back. GOOD LUCK PILOT you’ll need it.

        Lieutenant Ash had just left the GTVA Aquitaine and was on his way. 15 minutes later he got a very load and brief message from Delta

        “FIRE NOW!” Ash immediately fired a Massive Harbinger Bomb in to the ship’s engine and disabled it now the NTF TERRIES could not run away. A missile fired from an NTF fighter struck down a fellow pilot. Ash saw it happen and quickly killed the coward. After about 10 minutes the NTF Terries had fallen below critical. One more harbinger would do it. Ash fired the Harbinger and destroyed the ship. Ash thought everything had gone well but after the battle as Ash and Delta were travelling back to the Celafices to do the daily patrol they were talking.

        Ash- “That sure was a hell of a mission hey Delta”

        Delta- “Yeah, a hell of a mi. . .”

        Ash- “Delta do you read me I repeat Delta do you read me. Mayday Mayday Mayday ”

        Aquitaine- “Return to base pilot something strange is happening out there I repeat return to base this minute”.

        Ash- “Okay Over and out”.


I am not responsible for the use or misuse of information on this or anyother website.  I am not taking credit for the story in Descent:  Freespace The Great War.  I have just extrapolated a story from the plot and created this concept.  I do not plan to sell it and do not pretend to know more than I do.  In other words:  PLEASE DON’T SUE ME! All this neat Freespace stuff is the copyright of Interplay Inc. and Volition Inc. and not mine, I just like playing with it.  Anything submitted to the Archive is mine to do with as I please.  If you don't like it, don't submit anything, alright?  Read main disclaimer for more.  My lawyer loves it when I write this stuff in small print.