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Chapter 3

        The Shivans now rule Vega, with their mighty ship now known as the SJD Diablo. The ships shape has obviously been based on a scorpion because it has two beam cannons at the front and an extremely large beam cannon on the back that loops over the ship like the tale of a scorpion. We do not know if the large beam cannon has any new technology but it must have a reason for its size and magnificence.

        The plans have now come in about the Celafices's design, it had been kept a secret but Admiral Procter decided to let it out.

                Size = 1500m
                Class = Destroyer {GTD}
                Beam Cannons = 4 beams effective range of 1600m
                Turrets = 12 missile banks
                Flak guns = 16 improved flak's with extra range appliance

        This destroyer will be an amazing site to see. While mainly being a destroyer it can also been known as an explorer with its scan system straight from Triton Dynamics network. It will be an extremely sufficient destroyer with its Acolyte Improved armour and it's recon shielding.

        Well that's it pilots I hope you are thoroughly impressed. This is Admiral Procter sighing off.

10 Years Later

        The Celafices is complete.

        At this moment pilots we are looking for an Admiral to be the captain of the GTD Celafices. Admiral Procter suggests that it should go to a young and enthusiastic pilot.  If you think you're up for the job you better prove what you are capable of in the up and coming missions.

        "Damn," screamed Vice Admiral Ash.

        "Hey calm down. You can still get the place of Admiral all you have to do is prove yourself in a mission and make them promote you. Then you'll have a chance."

        "Shut up will you Tuvok as if I am gonna do anything special."

        As Tuvok walked away he shouted. "I was only trying to help but it seems that my help isn't wanted, well fine."

        Ash looked at the back of Tuvok in disgust and walked back down the hall with a fed up look on his face.

        Tuvok's fellow pilot and {future soul mate} Lara walked up to him. She was a commander and doing very well in her rank.

        "Hey honey what's up?"

        "Nothing much just well you could say an unappreciative friend."


        "Don't worry you don't need to know."

        They walked back down the corridor hand in hand laughing and kissing.

        Okay pilots this next mission will be important because those of you thinking of the job of Admiral of the GTD Celafices this is your time to prove yourself to the GTVA.  At 200 hours we picked up a distress call from the GTT Leo it said multiple wings of Shivan fighters and bombers are attacking them. They do not know where all these fighters are coming from but the Leo suggests a Shivan Juggernaut the SJD DIABLO. The last time we came across this mighty ship it destroyed the GTVA Dino and Disrupter. We do not know if it went away to be improved but it must be at least 5 miles long to carry the fighters that have been deployed. There is a rumour of a traitor in the midst so keep your eyes peeled pilots. The primary objective of this mission is to protect the GTT Leo and not let it be destroyed. Report to the departure station ASAP.


        The mission had started and Ash was having the dogfight of his he had all ready got 20 kills and the mission was only 5mins in.

        "GTT Leo this is Alpha 1 of the 70th Blue Lions here to assist."

        "Thank God your here our engines have been destroyed and we are disarmed."

        Ash checked the GTT Leo's hull integrity and was not surprised to see that it was down to 31%, It would definitely not survive another swarm of bombers so Ash Commanded Beta to destroy all bombers who entered the area.  Ash then turned round just in time to see a Shivan heading straight for him. He quickly fired a swarm of Tornado missiles in to the heart of the ship and destroyed the Alien.  Ash looked at the display and saw that there was only 6 terran fighters left and 2 of them were marked with a red dot. He had a look to see if reinforcements were available but the weren't, Ash banged his cockpit in disgust.

        "Aquitaine this is alpha 1 we need reinforcements now we are being decimated out here."

        "This is the Aquitaine request granted now deploying Kappa and Epsilon."

        A few seconds later kappa and epsilon entered the area. Kappa included Tuvok and Lara.

        "This is epsilon at your service."

        "This is Kappa, how can we be of assistance?"

        "Kappa and epsilon this is alpha destroy every Shivan fighter you come across but focus your attention on bombers."

        "Whatever you say. I love a good dogfight."

        Ash took a deep breath and asserted himself back into the battle. One shivan was firing at his engines and had damaged it a bit. Ash turn round his Hercules mark II Assault fighter and killed the shivan with only a few shots and suspected that it must have been hit with a hornet or tornado missile. Ash was just about to blow up another Shivan when he started to pick up some jump signatures. It was two ships coming together through Vega.

        "Aquitaine this is alpha 1 picking up unknown jump fluctuations from the Vega system. Are you picking up the same fluctuations?"

        "Yes alpha we are picking up a massive ship possibly the Diablo and another ship, a transport it's an NTF transport. But that's impossible the shivans wouldn't want anything to do with the NTF. Alpha and kappa go investigate but be on your guard.

        "Authorised approaching target."

        As Ash made his way to the scene the two ships jumped in. The front of the Diablo emerged Ash's heart sank. After the Diablo's front had appeared the NTF transport, the NTT Lapro, came into sight.

        "Hey Aquitaine this is kappa three I am picking up a Terran signature on that transport.  I- It must be the Traitor."

        "Epsilon and Alpha disable and disarm that ship. We will bring in the GTD Judge to tow it back to the Aquitaine."

        "Oki dokie heading that way."

        "Kappa carry on protecting the GTT Leo."

        "Authorised." Lara confirmed.

        Ash had reached the NTT Lapro and was firing his lasers into the engines of the transport.  As he looked at the transport he noticed a Terran transport in the Docking bay. He quickly informed the GTVA Aquitaine of this strange sight and got back to the job. After about five minutes the transport had been disabled and disarmed.

        "This is the Aquitaine we are now deploying the Judge to tow it back to us."

        Ash watched the GTD Judge enter the area and then went back to the Leo to help Kappa.

        Lara was foolishly firing at the Diablo's engine when suddenly the Diablo fired up its beam cannon and was just ready to destroy Lara's ship and her. Luckily Ash spotted her and just as the beam was about to hit Lara Ash had reached the area. Even though his dislike for Lara and Tuvok he immediately collided with Lara's ship and knocked her out of the way putting his own life at risk. They both got away alive.

        "This is the Aquitaine return to base this minute, the GTT Leo has jumped and we have the Lapro at the Aquitaine."

        "Okay, I'm outta here."

        Ash engaged his jump drives and left the area.

        Back at the Aquitaine at after- briefing he was awarded the Life Cross and to his complete amazement he was awarded the position of Admiral. But that wasn't it; he had also amazingly been given the position to lead the GTD Celafices.  Ash's mouth was draped open wide while he got applause, Congratulations and a few pats on the back. What Ash didn't know was that it would be a very hard and even a life-threatening job.

*    *    *

        Ash had obviously made up with Tuvok and Lara. It had been 3 hours since the surprise. Ash had fixed his badges to his suit and was ready to go and see Admiral Procter. He had said it was something very important.

        "Morning Admiral Ash how do you do."

        "Very well sir err you wanted to see me about something."

        "Ah yes. It's about the Transport we captured. I want you to take a team of armed men into the ship and investigate. You will need to be very careful and keep your eye out for the Traitor. We are not sure who it is but don't be surprised when you find out who it is."

        "Yes sir."

        Ash had just entered the Transport. Everything was quiet and the ship was dark and dull.  The air inside the ship was cold and there was a strange smell drifting in to the armed men's noses. Ash also had a gun and was ready to use it. Suddenly an NTF officer looked around the corner and was shot in the leg and then the head. Blood started to seep out of the man's wounds. Ash noticed a room to the left of the corridor and entered. His hand was suddenly pulled behind his back and a gun was pulled to his head.


        Ash glanced back into the crazy mans eyes and to his total surprise it was Bill.

        "Hey Bill YOU'RE ALIVE!"

        Bill noticed who it was and they both gave each other a hug while screaming things like "Thank you God" and " Wow its really you."

        "Ash I never thought it was you, by the way I am sorry about the gun thing."

        "Oh Never mind about that I'm just happy you're alive."

        While Ash and Bill were shouting their head of it had been heard by about a dozen Terran officers including the Traitor. As they entered the room the were forced to put there hands up and give up. Ash suddenly spotted the Traitor it was Commander Snipes.

        "YOU I should have guessed. Men seize him. By the way bill were is Delta?

        "They used to be in there." Bill pointed to a cell in the back of the room

        "But they didn't make it."

        At that moment Ash noticed fresh blood dripping from the wall where they must have been.  He noticed the Cell guard amongst the Officers and shot him dead. Under his breath Ash said-

        "Take a life and pay your own."

        Ash ordered the armed men to leave the ship and take Snipes with them. As Ash, Bill and the armed men reached the door one of the officers asked Ash a question-

        "What will happen to us?"

        "Oh you'll see. I hope you enjoy your stay. And by the way make the most of your breathing. Bye."

        Ash and the others walked out as the door shut loudly behind them. The NTF officers were to be suffocated. Some electricians will take away the oxegan from their ship.  As for Commander Snipes He was sentenced to death.

        Ash watched as the Gun was lifted to commander Snipe's head. Then the trigger was pulled.  The loud bang was heard from the Opposite end of the Aquitaine.  Ash looked away and then back again. All there was was some blood on the wall and Ash just knew he had done a good job.


I am not responsible for the use or misuse of information on this or anyother website.  I am not taking credit for the story in Descent:  Freespace The Great War.  I have just extrapolated a story from the plot and created this concept.  I do not plan to sell it and do not pretend to know more than I do.  In other words:  PLEASE DON’T SUE ME! All this neat Freespace stuff is the copyright of Interplay Inc. and Volition Inc. and not mine, I just like playing with it.  Anything submitted to the Archive is mine to do with as I please.  If you don't like it, don't submit anything, alright?  Read main disclaimer for more.  My lawyer loves it when I write this stuff in small print.