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Chapter 6
What a Day

        Good day pilots my name is Admiral Johnson and I am the leader and captain of the GTD Celafices. As you may know many people are still mourning over the Aquitaine's destruction but we have work to do. The 2 Diablo's are making there way to the Alpha Centari jump node and scientist who scanned the juggernaut have some very important news. They have found out what they are planing to do over the next few days. The 2 juggernauts are on route to Alpha Centari but not to jump but to collapse the node. If they succeed we will be trapped with the Diablo and certainly destroyed. The ships have to get through a dense field of asteroids. We have a plan. At the moment this is how our plan stands. We have 5 meson bombs all equipped and ready to do their job. The idea is to plant the Bombs into some of the asteroids and when the Diablo's pass we will activate them. 5 meson bombs should blow up 1 of the 21 kilometre ships and the Shock wave should badly damage the other juggernaut and then we will send in about 10 destroyers to finish of the Diablo including the GTD Independence and the GTD Celafices. Our scientists are 95% sure that this plan will work. Good luck pilots report to the Departure station at 300 hours. 

        Admiral Johnson. 

        When Korso and Cale had finished reading the info they got back to their game of darts in the pub of the Celafices. Cale needed to get a bull's eye to win. He steadied himself and through the dart. It landed smack bang in the bull's eye and he then said to Korso. 

        "Your paying for the drinks mate." 

        Korso sighed a pulled his wallet out of his pocket. 

        "So what do you want?" 

        "Liprus please." 

        "Are you kidding that the most expensive thing there is. Come on give me some credit." 

        "Okay then I'll have a Bud." 

        "Now that's more like it." 

        Korso bought the drink's and they both sat down and started to throw the drinks down their throats like some kind of elephants. As soon as they knew it they had finished and were making their way to the community room where they chilled out with friends and each other.  About half an hour later Admiral Johnson also entered the community room but not to chill he had something else on his mind. 

        "Ah nice to see you Korso can I have a word."   
        "Yeah of course." 

        Admiral Johnson took Korso to his office and begun to talk to him. 

        "Korso you know the mission coming up. Well I want you to lead the major attack force that is going to attack the Diablo's. I want you to protect this ship and the GTD Independence." 

        "Yes sir. No problem I will do my best." 

        "I am sure you will. Dismissed."   

        The Celafices was making its way to the Asteroid field where the Diablo's were. They were about 1000 klics behind the Independence. The Celafices was being escorted by about 20 fighters and it was the same with the Independence. Suddenly he got a message from some scientists aboard the GTS Rainbow who were planting the meson bombs. 

        "This is the GTS Rainbow the bombs have been planted into the asteroid successfully jumping out good luck." 

        Ash listened to the transmission and got back to his objectives. The Diablo's had just entered the asteroid field. He also noticed that there were an awful amount of fighters escorting the 2 juggernauts and shooting at the asteroids but if they accidentally shot one of the meson bombs they might just get a nasty surprise. Ash turned to his table and noticed a sheet he had not looked at it. It had all the destroyers on it that were in the mission. It said- 

        Admiral Johnson here is a list of the destroyers who will be taking part in this assault. 

        GTD Celafices 
        GTD Independence 
        GTD Lion 
        GTD Empire 
        GVD Hatshepsat 
        GVD Typhon 
        GTD Mancina 
        And finally 
        GTD Equinox. 

        Ash had just finished reading the text when the ship seemed to flip. He hit his head on the window and fell down in extreme pain. As he touched his head he noticed blood on his hands. This made him angry and he ordered Alpha to destroy all fighters who were attacking the Celafices especially bombers. Suddenly he got a message from Alpha 3. 

        "Sir this is alpha 3 the meson bombs have been activated." 

        Ash turned round just in time to see the meson bombs as they blew up. The blast was magnificent but the Celafices got some of the explosion and the ship went down to 64%.  That wasn't it because next came one of the biggest blasts the GTVA and the whole of space had ever seen apart from the sun's demise. The Diablo's blast took down 4 of the major destroyers the GVD Hatshepsat, GTD Lion, GTD Empire and the GTD Mancina. That took the Celafices's hull down to 32%. Ash started to worry and wondered if him and his crew would survive. He noticed that the Independence was also down to 32%. The other Diablo was down to 5% as expected by the scientists. Now it was time for ASSUALT 2-24. This was the plan to finish of the Diablo but it may be dangerous. All the destroyers that were still intact lined up and would all fire four beam cannons each at the Diablo. So the ships lined up.  

        "This is Admiral Johnson FIRRRREEEE." 

        So they did, every single one of them delivered four beam cannons into the heart of the Diablo. They were successful but because of their speed and strength The GTD Independence and GTD Celafices were the only destroyers to survive. They had saved Alpha Centari and had guaranteed the GTVA's survival. Ash thought to himself. 




I am not responsible for the use or misuse of information on this or anyother website.  I am not taking credit for the story in Descent:  Freespace The Great War.  I have just extrapolated a story from the plot and created this concept.  I do not plan to sell it and do not pretend to know more than I do.  In other words:  PLEASE DON’T SUE ME! All this neat Freespace stuff is the copyright of Interplay Inc. and Volition Inc. and not mine, I just like playing with it.  Anything submitted to the Archive is mine to do with as I please.  If you don't like it, don't submit anything, alright?  Read main disclaimer for more.  My lawyer loves it when I write this stuff in small print.