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Project Overview

Part One:  Data Collection

Part Two:  Compilation

Part Three:  Speculation

Collected Data

Compilation Status

Speculation Status

Discussion Forum

Contact Info


Part Three:  Speculation

        This part probably won’t come up for some time.  When (and if) we get here, we should already have a generally accepted version of the Encyclopedia on hand.  Using the Encyclopedia as a guide, the orginal compilers along with the rest of the Community will try to fill in the gaps in the Freespace universe (the 14 Year war for example).  However, this will NOT go into the Encyclopedia.  Instead, this will be a seperate work that as of yet remains unnamed.  There is currently no structure at all for how this will work, and I doubt there will be one.  Of course, we won’t know until we get there.

        Please note that the other two parts must be somewhat done before we even consider moving to this part.  If you want to get to this part, help with the other two first.  Until then, we will ignore your speculation (actually, we’ll bury it in a side directory where it won’t be seen until Part Three comes up).