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(Were Spiders)
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The ananasi are unique among the Changing Breeds. They are the only remaining shaepshifters who are part of the world most people ignore. There are hundreds of thousands of spiders in a single acre of land. Most folks tend to forget this fact, and that includes Garou. Even without benefit of special Gifts, the Ananasi can hide in plain sight, too small to be noticed.
A single Ananasi is literally an army of arachnids with but one mind. Unlike the other changing breeds, the werespiders can literally be in a hudred places at once. In times long past, humans worshipped the Ananasi as gods --or devils-- in various lands through out the world. The spiders neither considered themselves a part of the human race nor even particularly close to their kinfolk. Instead, their kinfolk were merely breeding stock. While that may sound insulting to the Ananasi it is merely a fact. Countless generations ago, the Ananasi served as  advisors and protectors of their human cousins in exchange for reverence. To the werespiders, it was the way things were always meant to be. Human emotion have never been part of their world; the Ananasi were always more akin to their arachnid relatives than their human ones. Predatory by nature and often canabalistic, they've never felt a special bond with any other beings.
Although most people believ the Ananasi came originally from Africa, there is no solid evidence to confirm this notion. Legends of their kind spread back through every continent but antartica, and their homid forms, are as likely to be Asian as African.
It's not too difficult for most of the supernaturals to confuse the Ananasi with vampires. Most of the werespiders are nocturnal, preferring to live and hunt in the darkness. Even when in homid form, the werespiders can drink the blood of their prey by employing retractable fangs. Many of the Aananasi are unaturally pale in their humanoid forms, and as a rule they are always unusually attractive. Perhaps it is the vague threat of a predator that humans sense when they stare, almost mesmerized, at an Ananasi in homid form. Perhaps it is that the werespiders have a remarkable control over their shapes and are vain. No one knows really except for the Ananasi.
While the Ananasi are often nocturnal by choice, they will suffer no ill affects from the sunlight. As with the victims of vampires, individuals werespiders feed from are often overwhelmed by a feeling of almost sexual intensity while the feeding occurs. This affect probably derivves from the mild venom Ananasi inject into their prey to anesthetize the victim's flesh and close the wound left by the werespiders fangs. The venom is powerful, and only minutes after such a feeding the vicitm's wounds are normally healed, leaving only the faintest of scars. A victim killed during a feeding doesn't heal, which has led to some potentially dangerous situations regarding certain vampires and their "Masquerade."
Unlike vampires, Ananasi almost always prefer more isolated areas, where they can take on the form of numerous spiders and dwell in relative peace. While most werespiders claim to prefer human blood or even warm mammal blood, flies and other insects work perfectly well to keep them fed.
The truth of the matter however, is that only warm mammalian blood gives the werespiders their other, special talents. Whereas most Changing Breeds have rage to aid them in healing and combat, the Ananasi have blood pools much like vampires. Mammalian blood allows them to take extra actions and even heal their wounds, just as with vampires.

Quote - "We tried to join them in their quest to protect the humans and Gaia as well. In return, we were murdered. Never again. Teh rules of the engagement are changing, and we are the one making the changes. Queen Ananasa will be free, and the fools will learn the error of their ways."

-Garou: We have not forgiven their arrogance, nor have we forgotten our fallen family. But we are patient. The time is not yet right to destroy the wolflings.

-Corax: Watch the skies.

-Gurahl: They are but pawns the Garo have beaten into submission and forced to live a lie. They've forgotten what they once were. Though we bear them no mailce, we shall show the no pity should they cross our paths.

-Mokole: We dwell in many of the same places. The Mokole are noble and terrifying enemies. Respect their power. Also, cold blood is less flavorful than that of mammals. Avoid them if possible.

-Nagah: Obviously a myth created by foolish wolfings who can't recognize a Mokole when they see one. We'll just keep saying that and prey the myth remains just that. The reality would be frightening.

-Nuwisha: Cousins to the wolflings but far superior in wisdom. It's seldom that a Nuwisha feels the need to kill wantonly. They are very curious and tend to talk of what they learn. Avoid them.

-Ratkin: They grovel in the sewers and feed off the droppings of other, better creatures. They are also very good at learnign things hidden. Treat them with respect and never, never trust a ratling.

-Rokea: What use do we have for fishlings?
