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First: Have the book!!


We are using the Werewolf the Apocalypse main book, the Breed books for the different types of shifters and for Kinfolk we are using Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes, if you have any books in which you would like to use bring it to the attention of the staff and they will let you know if it is usable

Chose a name for your character

Chose a breed

Choose an Auspice, if this applies to your breed

Choose a tribe, or variant for your breed

Choose Nature&Demeanor

Have a character concept ready without one you will not be approved

Attribute point expenditure is done with the standard 7/5/3, you chose, physical, social, mental, and place these points appropriately. Kinfolk points are 6/4/3

Ability point expenditure is done with the standard 13/9/5 you chose, talents, skills, knowledges, and place these points appropriately, you may not place any more than three points in any one ability before freebie point expenditure. Kinfolk points are 11/7/4

Background point expenditure has been changed to 6 points, choose your background/s and place the points appropriately

Gifts, you chose three gifts, breed, auspice, and tribe, or the respectable variant for your breed
For Kinfolk you may chose Numinas, but you must pay 7 points for the first dot and 14 points for the second dot

Your starting Rage, Gnosis, and Willpower will be on your sheet when you copy it, also your starting renown will be placed on there as well

Chose your Merits and Flaws, a maximum of 7 points you may receive from flaws, this does not mean you cannot have more than 7 points in flaws, it means that you will not receive any more than 7 extra points to spend on your character.

And lastly spend freebie points, we are allowing a 30 freebie point limit, 15 of these freebie points may be spent however you chose, however the second 15 of these freebies may not be used to get gifts or any other supernatural power, For Kinfolk the points we allow is 42 same rules applies as above, 21 may be spent where you like and 21 may not be spent for anything supernatural, This includes, Gifts, Numina, Supernatural backgrounds such as Totem, and Supernatural merits, we allow this as a privilege to flesh out your characters more, DO NOT ABUSE THIS!

Freebie point costs are as follows:

5 points per 1 dot in Attributes

2 points for every 1 dot in Abilities

1 point for 1 dot of each of the following: Backgrounds, Willpower, Rage

Gifts are 7 point for your Breed, Tribe, and Auspice, 10 points for any outside of your Breed, Tribe, or Auspice

2 points for every 1 dot in Gnosis

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