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  #Use the following when making your character#
    @ = Initial Dots
    * = Freebie Dots
    X = Experience dots
    T = Totem Dots
    B = Free Dots for Changing Breed (IF ANY)

                     Werespider Character Sheet:

Name:                     Breed:                       Nature:
Player:                   Faction:                     Demeanor:
Chronicle:                Aspect:                      Concept:

Strength    @OOOO            Charisma       .@OOOO           Perception     .@OOOO
Dexterity   .@OOOO            Manipulation   .@OOOO           Intelligence   .@OOOO
Stamina     .@OOOO            Appearance     .@OOOO           Wits           .@OOOO

    TALENTS                      SKILLS                           KNOWLEDGES
Alertness    OOOOO           Animal Ken     OOOOO           Computer       OOOOO
Athletics    OOOOO           Crafts         OOOOO                  Enigmas        OOOOO
Brawl        OOOOO           Drive          OOOOO                  Investigation  OOOOO
Dodge        OOOOO           Etiquette      OOOOO                   Law            OOOOO
  Empathy      OOOOO           Firearms       OOOOO              Linguistics    OOOOO
  Expression   OOOOO           Leadership     OOOOO           Medicine       OOOOO
   Intimidation OOOOO           Melee          OOOOO           Occult         OOOOO
 Primal-Urge  OOOOO           Performance    OOOOO           Politics       OOOOO
   Streetwise   OOOOO           Stealth        OOOOO           Rituals        OOOOO
  Subterfuge   OOOOO           Survival       OOOOO           Science        OOOOO

    BACKGROUNDS                    GIFTS                         GIFTS
  Totem      BBBBB     __________________________     __________________________
             OOOOO     __________________________     __________________________
             OOOOO     __________________________     __________________________
             OOOOO     __________________________     __________________________
             OOOOO     __________________________     __________________________
             OOOOO     __________________________     __________________________
*Note: Ananasi may not draw upon the extra dice in Enigmas and in Occult granted
by Queen Ananasa unless they are in their Sylies.

    RENOWN                                                      HEALTH
 Obedience (Weaver)              BLOOD POOL                 Bruised           []
O O O O O O O O O O         [][][][][][][][][][]            Hurt           -1 []
[][][][][][][][][][]        [][][][][][][][][][]            Injured        -1 []
   Cunning (Wyrm)                  Gnosis                   Wounded        -2 []
O O O O O O O O O O         O O O O O O O O O O             Mauled         -2 []
[][][][][][][][][][]        [][][][][][][][][][]            Crippled       -5 []
    Wisdom (Wyld)                Willpower                  Incapacitated     []
O O O O O O O O O O         O O O O O O O O O O
[][][][][][][][][][]        [][][][][][][][][][]                 EXPERIENCE

  HOMID                LILIAN                PITHUS              CRAWLERLING
                     Str: +3/+2*           Str: +4/+3*             Str: 0
    NO               Dex: +3/+4*           Dex: +2/+3*             Dex: +6
  CHANGE             Sta: +2               Sta: +3                 Sta: 0
                     Man: -1               Man: -3                 App: 0
                     App: -1               App: -2                 Man: 0
  Difficulty: 6      Dif: 6                Dif: 6                  Dif: 6
                     Str+1 Bite            Str+3 Bite              Str-4 Bite
                     Claw +1               Web                     Web
  *Deonotes optional male Attribute modifiers.

                               SECONDARY ABILITIES:

    TALENTS                      SKILLS                            KNOWLEDGES
             OOOOO                         OOOOO                           OOOOO
             OOOOO                         OOOOO                           OOOOO
             OOOOO                         OOOOO                           OOOOO
             OOOOO                         OOOOO                           OOOOO
             OOOOO                         OOOOO                           OOOOO
             OOOOO                         OOOOO                           OOOOO
             OOOOO                         OOOOO                           OOOOO

     RITES:                                          Fylfot
  Rite of Spinning *         ITEM:                   []Dedicated  Level   Gnosis
                             ITEM:                   []Dedicated  Level   Gnosis
                             ITEM:                   []Dedicated  Level   Gnosis
                             ITEM:                   []Dedicated  Level   Gnosis
* Rite of Building is free to all Ananasi.

      MERITS                      COST          FLAWS                      BONUS

   Possessions:                                           Hunting Grounds:

Character History: (Optional)

 Weapon/Maneuver   Roll      Diff.  Damage  Clip   Rate  Conc.  Range
 ________________  ________  _____  ______  _____  ____  _____  _____
 ________________  ________  _____  ______  _____  ____  _____  _____
 ________________  ________  _____  ______  _____  ____  _____  _____
 ________________  ________  _____  ______  _____  ____  _____  _____
 ________________  ________  _____  ______  _____  ____  _____  _____
 ________________  ________  _____  ______  _____  ____  _____  _____
 ________________  ________  _____  ______  _____  ____  _____  _____
 ________________  ________  _____  ______  _____  ____  _____  _____

 Brawling Chart
 Bite (Lilian)     Dex+Bra+1   6    Strength+1(agg)
 Bite (Pithus)     Dex+Bra+1   6    Strength+1(agg)
 Body Slam         Dex+Brawl   7    Special
 Claw              Dex+Brawl   6    Strength+1(agg)
 Grapple           Dex+Brawl   6    Strength
 Kick              Dex+Brawl   7    Strength+1
 Punch             Dex+Brawl   6    Strength

                                         Height  Weight
 Age:_____________________      Homid       ______  ______
 Hair:____________________          Lilian      ______  ______
 Eyes:____________________       Pithus      ______  ______
