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Liandri Araments-A division of Liandri Mining & Tournament Inc.

As a current leader in the area of explosives, Liandri is currently field testing the new 9.94 Vapo Shock and the new C-18 grenades. The C-18 has been slated to replace the aging C-9 explosive grenades currently used by the Terran Marine Core.

Liandri Araments C-18 General Purpose HE grenade

The C-18 is the latest addition to the high power explosive grenades commonly used by all branches of the Terran Military. The C-18 uses the same detonation system used in the older C-9 grenades, commonly used in Liandri's tournament grenade launchers. The C-18 improves on the explosive content of the grenades-in addition to providing punch, the new explosive charge is capable of sustaining explosions for up to 3 seconds after detonation.