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New Contract promises to revolutionize Tournament Gaming as we know it...

Assc Terran Press, May 22, 3044 In a press conference yesterday, Liandri announced that the Terran marine core purchased a 2 year 18 billion contract to gain the use of Liandri facilities for the training of it's elite assault teams. The marine's contract has been paritally funded by support from Alpha and DRC Araments, who see the use of Liadri's facilities as a unique opportunity to field test new weapons. "We believe the use of tournament arenas provide us with a important real world testing area for the weapons of the future" says DRC spokesman James Lowell. The contract binds Liandri to a 2 year agreement to allow marines from the elite Alpha 7 squadron to be allowed to train with the latest in marine weaponary. Jerry Liandri, CEO of Liandri Inc.,addressed concerns of potential weapon imbalance in the arenas. "We feel that the current tournament weapons are fully capable of going up against the newest in military firearms-when we started the tournament, all the weapons were based of sucessful military designs and are easily equal to their military counterparts." Liandri has stressed that the new additions will not change the tournament gameplay significantly-"We understand the public demand for quality entertainment and are here to fufill it". Liandri brushed off ethics concerns, reiterating that the tournament has always been a violent buisness. General Marx Janning expressed his support of the contract. "The military needs high quality training. If a few marines are killed now it means many more will survive in the field. We feel that the tournament offers the highest level of training available for our troops, and we expect that the marines of tomorrow will be extremely ready for whatever new enemies we will encounter." The first match fought earlier today at 9:00 AM GET, proved to be a stunning victory as the marines triumphed 30 to 14 for a virtual audience of over 900 million viewers over Liandri's Neura-Net.