- If you want to download and try a rpg(role playing game) that i designed and
made myself using C++ click
When i made this rpg i only knew basic C++ so this rpg only runs in a MS DOS prompt.
There is no graphics. You have to have windows to run this. If you want to, you can post feed
back on my rpg in my forum page. (last uploaded 3/10/2001)
- This is a more advanced version of the above RPG. If you want to download it click
This rpg only runs in a MS DOS prompt.
There is no graphics. You have to have windows to run this. If you want to, you can post feed
back on my rpg in my forum page. (last uploaded 12/18/2001)
- Right now I am learning how to make real games. Part of the learning
experience is doing some windows programming. If you want to download a windows
program that i made myself to test out some things I have learned click
All it is is a couple windows and some cool things like I changed the cursor and the icon
and made some text and shapes and stuff. It isnt much to look at but I'm learning how to
make something that will be something to look at. You may find it cool. If you do download
it and run it try moving some of the smaller windows over the window with all the dots. Also,
try resizing the window with the polygons in it (the bottom right window). That looks cool.
(last uploaded 3/26/01)
- The next program i made was for practice but what i put in it was requested by a
friend. It has a cube in it that you can move around, and it has some bitmap pictures. Click
to download. (note: this program is in zip format so you must be able to unzip it. When you
unzip it you have to make sure those 3 pictures that unzip with the program stay in the same
directory as the program) (uploaded 6/10/01)