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Prerequisites: Wis 13; Cha 15

Prime requisites: Wis

Progression as: druid

The Druid under the crimson sun is the protector of the land. Openly hunted down by the sorcerer kings, only few druids do exist on Athas. They are the sworn enemies of all defilers and will not rest as long as any defiler is still alive.

A druid protects nature in general, and one area (their “guarded land”) in particular.

Athasian druids are “true neutral” in their alignment and can use all weapons and amours

Druids have 70 CPs to spend on class abilities.

Standard Abilities (Druid): Access to spheres (30); Secret Language (5); Shapechange (15); Power of the Land (10)

Class Breakdown

Access to spheres (20/30/40): as a 20 point ability, the Druid has major access to 1 elemental (or paraelemental) sphere and minor access to the sphere of cosmos. For 30 points, he has major access to both. For the final, 40 points, he has major access to one elemental sphere and the sphere of cosmos and minor access to another elemental (or paraelemental) sphere. Note that in any case, the druid’s “protected land” must reflect all the elemental planes he has access too.

Animal empathy (10): When dealing with a domestic or non-hostile animal, the PC can approach and befriend it automatically. The druid can also discern the health and nature of such animals. When approaching wild animals or those trained to attack, the animal must make a save vs. rods to resist the ranger's friendly overtures. There is a -1 penalty to the roll for every three levels of the druid. If the animal fails the save, the PC adjusts can its reaction by one category.

Animal friendship (5): Once a day, a druid can cast animal friendship.

Cold resistance (5): The druid gains a +2 to saves vs. cold- and ice-based attacks.

Combat bonus (10): The druid's THAC0 advances at the Warrior rate of 1 per level.

Detect defilers (5): the druid is instantly aware of any defiler on his guarder land. If the druid is on his guarder land as well, he knows the exact location of the defiler. If the druid is away from his land, he is only aware that some “great danger” is on his guarded land.

Extended spell duration (10/15): The duration of any noninstantaneous spell cast by the PC is increased by one time unit per two levels. The unit of time varies, depending on how the spell's duration is normally measured; rounds for rounds, turns for turns, etc. For 10 points, this applies to spells of one sphere and for 15 points it applies to spells of all spheres.

Gift of life (15): By spending 1 of his own HPs per spell’s level, the druid cancels a spell being cast by a defiler. The defiler’s spells simply fizzles off. The HP lost is not permanent, yet it is very slow to heal; the HP heal only normally (as opposed to magic) and only at a rate of 1 point per 3 days, regardless of regenerating abilities, curative magic or psionics

Hit point bonus (10): The druid uses a d10 for hit points rather than a d8.

Identify plants and animals (5/8): At 3rd level, the PC gains the ability to identify natural plants and animals. For 8 points, he gains this ability at 1st level.

Immunity to natural disease (10): The druid is immune to natural disease, although magical diseases such as lycanthropy or mummy rot still affect him.

Inspire awe (10): Druids can inspire awe (as the psionic telepathic devotion) on all creatures on his guarder land. The creature gains a save vs spell to counter this ability or will feal the “awe of nature” and take precautions at the best of his abilities not to harm this land. The duration is 1hr per level of the druid and the druid can affect 1HD worth of creatures per level he has. Yet, he can chose which creatures to affect on his guarder land and which not. Normal psionic defenses also cancel this ability.

Keeper of the balance (10): When fighting creatures of extreme alignment (LG, CG, LE, CE) the druid gains a +2 bonus to hit, damage, and initiative, as well as receiving a +2 bonus to save vs. spell attacks from those beings.

Pass without trace (5/7): At 3rd level, the druid gains the ability to pass without trace once per day at his normal movement rate. For 7 points, the character may have this ability at 1st level.

Power of the Land (10): While on his guarder land, the druid gains the following powers: first, he does has no need of water nor food. Also, he can remain hidden at will; treat this as a permanent “invisibility” spell. As soon as the druid takes any offensive actions, this power ends and can only be used again after 1 hour.

Rejuvenation (5): The druid can use the “rejuvenation” spell for free 1/day.

Secret language (5): Druids with this ability share a secret form of communication that only they understand. This allows the druids to converse on matters related to their religion safely almost anywhere

Shapechange (15): Beginning at 7th level, the PC may change into one animal, native to his homeland, 3 times per day. Each transformation heals 10%-60% of any damage the character has sustained.

Turn undead (15): A druid with this power may turn undead as described in the Players' Handbook, as a priest of the same level.

Warrior ability bonuses (15/20): If the druid has a Constitution score of 17 or above, he gains the Hit Point bonus normally reserved for warriors. For 20 points, the druid may also roll an exceptional Strength score of up to 18/50 if he has a Strength of 18.

Weapon specialization (25): This ability allows the druid to gain specialization in a weapon. The druid must still spend the character points to become proficient and specialize in the chosen weapon.

Optional Restrictions

Armor restriction (5/10/15): The PC is limited in his choice of armor. For 5 CPs, he is restricted to chain mail or lighter armor; for 10 CPs, he may only wear studded leather or lighter, or is restricted to druid armor; and for 15 CPs, he may not wear armor at all.

Bound to homeland (10): The character must spend at least 1 week per month on his guarded land or start dying. For each day away from his guarder land (past the 21th), the character will lose 1 HP. These HPs can only be regained if the character returns for one full week on his guarded land.

Limited magical item use (5+): The druid is banned from using certain types of magical items. For each category of magical items that he cannot use, he gains 5 CPs. The categories are: potions, oils, and scrolls; rings; rods, staves, and wands; miscellaneous magic; and weapons and armor.

Reduced hit points (10/20): For 10 points, the druid uses a d6 hit die; for 20 points, the druid uses a d4 hit die

Weapon restriction (5/15): As a 5 point limitation, the druid can only use wooden and bone weapons. As a 15 point penalty, he can not use weapons at all, relying solely on his “shapechange power” and his spells for defense and attack.