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Prerequisites: Str 9

Prime requisites: Str

Progression as: warrior

Fighters are the elite warriors and generals of any army (be it a regular army or the warrior's of a clan). None is as good at training troops and leading them in battle as the fighter. The army is his life and his very reason of existence. In times of war, people looks up to him as hero  es, but in time of peace they often have a difficult time convincing the others of their utility… Fighters can be of any alignment, but most soldiers are lawful neutral.

Fighters have 30 CPs to spend on class abilities.

Standard Abilities: Gaining Followers, Weapon Specialization, War Machines, Leadership, Supervisor

Class Breakdown

1d12 for hit points (10): Instead of rolling a 10-sided die to determine initial hit points and new hit points at each level, a 12-sided die is rolled instead.

Backstab (5): The fighter may backstab as a thief of the same level. The Move Silently option must also be taken.

Building (5): The knowledge to construct heavy war machines, siege engines, and siege towers.

Defense bonus (10/15): The character has a +2 AC bonus whenever he is unarmored and unencumbered. For 15 points, this is +3 bonus.

Expert Leadership (10): This is an extension to the leadership ability (which must be learned prior to this ability). Where Leadership is the ability to guide men in battle, this skill enables a fighter to be an expert in psychology. He knows how to motivate his troops. Each unit commanded by the fighter gains a +4 moral bonus and doesn't need to check moral under any circumstances as long as the fighter is amongst them.

Followers (5/10): A fighter can gain followers as described in the Players' Handbook if he establishes a stronghold and is at least 9th level. For 10 points, the fighter can attract followers whenever a stronghold is established, regardless of level.

Improved THAC0 (10): The PC begins with a THAC0 of 18 at 1st level that improves by 1 for each level advance.

Increased movement (5): A fighter's base movement score is 15 rather than 12.

Leadership (5): The ability to lead large numbers of troops into battle. The fighter is able to take control of up to 100 troops per level. He knows how to use messengers and signals, is familiar with military terminology, and understands the mechanics of moving large bodies of troops.

Multiple specialization (10): A fighter with this ability can specialize in as many weapons as he desires. The character point cost must be paid for each specialization.

Poison resistance (5): The PC gains a +1 bonus to saves vs. poison.

Proficiency ease (10): The cost of all weapon proficiency and specialization is cut by 50%.

Supervisor (5): The authority to supervise the construction of defensive works such as ditches, pits, fields of stakes, and hastily built wooden and stone barricades. With time permitting, the fighter can also supervise the building of semi-permanent fortifications.

Thief ability (10+): For 10 CPs, the character may select one thief ability.(move silently, hide in shadows etc…) Each additional 10 CPs allows the character an additional ability, to a maximum of four. The character gains 15% per level to distribute amongst these abilities, starting at the level he gained his first ability - he gains no points for levels he had before he first learned a thieving skill. His skills are modified for armor, race, and Dexterity as usual. Note that the "backstab" ability is not a thieving skill. Also, half-giants are unable to pick any rogue skills at all.

War machines (5): The knowledge to operate heavy war machines and siege engines such as ballistae, catapults, rams, bores, and siege towers.

Weapon expertness (10): The Warrior has a +1 bonus to all attack and damage rolls with one weapon (and not a whole weapon group) Also, he gains a +2 AC bonus whenever he fights with that weapon, cumulative with any other bonus he has.

Weapon specialization (5): The PC has the ability to specialize in a particular weapon. The CP cost for acquiring the specialization must also be met.

Weapon teaching (5): Everyone can train someone in the use of a given weapon, but fighters are expert in the art of teaching the rudiments of any weapon in but a few days. He can train 10/level warriors at the same time. If he trains them for 1 week, they are considered proficient in that weapon. If he spends but 2 days, any penalties for not being proficient in that weapon are halved.

Optional Restrictions

Limited armor (5/10/15): A fighter with this restriction is limited in his selection of armor. For 5 CPs, the character is restricted to chain mail or lighter; for 10 CPs, the PC is limited to studded leather or lighter, and for 15 CPs, the PC cannot wear any armor at all.

Limited weapon selection (5): The PC can choose to gain proficiency only in melee weapons (no missile weapons allowed): or bludgeoning weapons only; or thief weapons only.

Limited magical item use (5+): A PC with this restriction distrusts magic and refuses to uses certain categories of magical items. For each category that is barred, the PC gains 5 CPs. The categories are: potions, oils, and scrolls; rings, rods, staves, and wands; miscellaneous magical items; weapons; and armor.