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Prerequisites: Wis 9

Prime requisites: Wis

Progression as: priest

Priests are the holy men and women who represent the will of the elements.

Priests have 70 CPs to spend on class abilities.

Standard Abilities: Access to spheres (20); Elemental immunity (20); Gate Element (10); lesser elemental power (5); Turn undead (15)

Class Breakdown

Access to spheres (10/20): As a 10 point ability, the priest has major access to one elemental sphere. For 20 points, he gains minor access to the spells of the sphere of cosmos as well.

AC improvement (15): The priest is trained in avoiding blows through timing and deception. His natural AC improves by one point at every even level (AC 9 at 2nd, AC 8 at 4th, etc) to a maximum of AC 2. However, this ability is useless if the PC wears armor or magical defences which replace it.

Conjure elemental (10): The cleric is able, once per day, to conjure a lesser elemental. Starting 9th level, he can conjure 1 normal elemental per day or two lesser. These elementals will serve faithfully, but will never step too far away from a major focus of their native elemental plane

Detect undead (10): The priest can detect undead once a day per two levels (twice at 3rd, three times at 5th, etc) by standing still and concentrating for a round. In all other respects it is treated as a cast spell.

Elemental Focus (5): each time the elemental cleric is in direct contact with a major form of his element (near a lake for a cleric of water, a major fire for a cleric of fire etc…) all spells he cast last 1 additional rounds/level of experience and receive a +2 bonus on all dices rolled (where applicable) – thus, a cure light wound spell cast near a pool of water by a cleric of water would heal 1d8+2 points of damage rather than the normal d8.

Elemental immunity (20): The PC is unaffected by natural forms of his chosen element for one round per level each day. This ability also grants automatic saving throws against the magical versions of this element.

Extended spell duration (10/15): The duration of any non-instantaneous spell cast by the PC is increased by one time unit per two levels. The unit of time varies, depending on how the spell's duration is normally measured; rounds for rounds, turns for turns, etc. For 10 points, this applies to spells of one sphere and for 15 points it applies to spells of all spheres.

Gate Element (10): the character is able to “gate” in 1 cubic foot per level over his 8th level, starting his 9th level of experience (at which point he gates 1 cubic foot, 2 cubic foots at 10th lvl etc…). The element so gated is in its purest form, yet unmagical. If used as offensive power, it will inflict 1d8 of damage per cubic foot. The cleric can use this ability once/day.

Hit point bonus (10): The priest uses a d10 for hit points rather than a d8.

Know alignment (15): The PC can cast know alignment once a day for every two levels.

Lesser Elemental power (5/10): the cleric can chose 1 1st level spell of his chosen elemental sphere (not the sphere of cosmos) and can then cast this spell as a natural ability 3/day in addition of any other abilities he might have. As a 10 point ability, he can chose 1 1st level spell and another 1st level spell each 5 levels of experience.

Turn undead (15): A priest with this power may turn undead as described in the Players' Handbook. Evil priests may command undead.

Warrior ability bonuses (15/20): If the priest has a Constitution score of 17 or above, he gains the Hit Point bonus normally reserved for warriors. For 20 points, the priest may also roll an exceptional Strength score of up to 18/50 if he has a Strength of 18.

Weapon selection (5/10): For 5 CPs, the priest is allowed to include one weapon that he would not normally be able to use in his list of permissible weapons, or instead have access to a list of tribal weapons or special; weapons approved by the DM. For 10 points, the priest may wield any weapon.

Weapon specialization (25): This ability allows the priest to gain specialization in a weapon. The priest must still spend the character points to become proficient and specialize in the chosen weapon.

Optional Restrictions

Armor restriction (5/10/15): The PC is limited in his choice of armor. For 5 CPs, he is restricted to chain mail or lighter armor; for 10 CPs, he may only wear studded leather or lighter, or is restricted to druid armor; and for 15 CPs, he may not wear armor at all.

Ceremony/observance (5): The priest's faith demands the observance of a special event or ceremony each day. The priest must drop whatever he is doing to perform the ceremony; there are no excuses for missing it. A priest who skips the ceremony may lose his memorised spells or suffer some other sign of his deity's disfavor until he finds a way to atone.

Limited magical item use (5+): The priest is banned from using certain types of magical items. For each category of magical items that he cannot use, he gains 5 CPs. The categories are: potions, oils, and scrolls; rings; rods, staves, and wands; miscellaneous magic; and weapons and armor.

Reduced hit points (10/20): For 10 points, the priest uses a d6 hit die; for 20 points, the priest uses a d4 hit die

Reduced spell progression (15): A priest with this restriction memorises one less spell of each level then normal. If the priest's spell allocation for any given level is reduced to 0 by this limitation, he gains no bonus spells for an exceptional Wisdom score for that spell level. If the alternative spell point system is used, the Priest gains (2 x level) less spell points (total, not per level) – that is 2 less spell points a 1st level, and a total of 2 x 10 = 20 less spell points at 10th level etc…

Slower casting times (5): The priest's spells are unusually long-winded; all casting times are increased by 3. A casting time of one round or longer is simply doubled.

Talisman/symbol (8): The priest's spell powers are focused through one specific talisman or holy symbol. Without this symbol, he is incapable of casting spells. If his talisman or symbol is destroyed or lost with no hope of recovery, he may create a new one with 1d4 weeks of prayer, meditation, and fasting in his home temple.

Vow of poverty (10): The priest must only possess what money that he needs to survive. Such priests may only use plain-looking equipment, and donate all treasure and excess wealth to a worthy NPC cause.

Weapon restriction (5/15): Unless otherwise stated, a priest has access to all Type B weapons. A priest with this limitation is further restricted to the staff, club, war hammer, horseman's mace, and horseman's flail. For 15 points, the priest is not allowed to gain proficiency in any weapon.