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Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 13, Con 14, Wis 14

Prime requisites: Str, Wis

Progression as: paladin/ranger

Rangers are at home in the most savage regions of this world – be it deserts or caverns, jungles or arctic plains. As long as they are no major town in the area, they feel at home. There abilities are equaled only by the most hardiest barbarian when it comes to the mere task of surviving in hostile terrain. Rangers are in no way anti-social; they only prefer the company of nature and animals to the often "superficial" contacts with civilized folks.

Rangers have 65 points to spend on class related abilities.

Standard Abilities: Empathy with Animals, Followers, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently, Priest Spells, Special Enemy, Two-Weapon Style, Tracking Proficiency.

Class Breakdown

1d12 for hit points (10): Instead of rolling a 10-sided die to determine initial hit points and new hit points at each level, roll a 12-sided die.

Attunement (5): The PC can attune himself to his surroundings. He will notice natural occurances (silt holes, rock falls, weather shifts etc) on his home-terrain 10% per level of the time. This drops to half (5% per level) for terrains unfamiliar to him. Note that this ability does not provide any skill in detecting mechanical nor magical traps.

Bow bonus (5): The PC gains +1 to hit with any bow. Also, he can specialize in one bow weapon in addition to any other specializations he could have.

Defender (10): The PC gains +2 to hit, damage, and initiative, as well as +1 to AC when fighting on his chosen terrain.

Empathy with animals (10): When dealing with a domestic or non-hostile animal, the PC can approach and befriend it automatically. The ranger can also discern the health and nature of such animals. When approaching wild animals or those trained to attack, the animal must make a save vs. rods to resist the ranger's friendly overtures. There is a -1 penalty to the roll for every three levels of the ranger. If the animal fails the save, the PC adjusts can its reaction by one category.

Followers (10): At 10th level, the ranger attracts 2d6 followers of an unusual nature. The ranger does not need to build a stronghold or fort.

High Wisdom bonus (5): If the PC has taken the Priest Spells option, he receives bonus spells based upon high Wisdom/Intuition in the same way that priests do.

Increased spell power (7): A ranger with this power casts spells with an effective casting level only four below his true level, rather than that indicated on the table, and has no maximum casting level. Spell progression is unaffected; only level-based characteristics of spells are changed.

Increased spell progression (7/12): For 7 points, the PC begins to gain spells at 6th level; for 12 points, he begins to gain spells at 4th level. The Priest Spells option must be taken to benefit from this option. The ranger enters the table below at the indicated level, rather than at 8th.

Pass without trace (10): To use this ability, the character must also possess the “move silently” thieving skill. On a successful check against this rogue skill, the character’s trace are perfectly concealed, making it impossible for anyone to track him down via “normal” (non magical) means.

Polymorph self (5/10): At 5th level, the ranger can polymorph self once a day into a natural animal native to his favored terrain. For 10 points, he can polymorph into any creature he desires within the spells limitations. The creature must be chosen at the beginning of his career and only “natural” creatures can be chosen.

Priest spells (10): At 8th level, the ranger can cast priest spells from one elemental sphere (player’s choice). A ranger cannot cast spells from the sphere of cosmos nor can he use clerical scrolls. His maximum spell level is limited by the number of spellpoints he has and by his deity.

Sneak attack (10): A ranger who successfully hides in shadows and moves silently can backstab an unaware opponent. A backstab is +4 to hit and causes damage as per a thief of the same level.

Speak with animals (5/10): Once a day, the ranger can cast speak with animals. For 10 points, he can use it once per day for every three levels that he possesses.

Special enemy (10): The PC gains a +4 to hit and a -4 reaction modifier when dealing with a particular type of creature. This creature must have been chosen by 2nd level, and the ranger should seek out such creatures over other foes in combat, unless there is some great danger.

Survivor (0/5): the 0 point ability is the “normal” ability all rangers have: they gain the “survival” non-weapon proficiency with a +2 bonus for free, for one terrain type (also known as their chosen terrain). As a 5 point ability, he is a true surviving specialist and gains a new terrain each 3 experience levels.

Thief ability (5+): For 5 CPs, the character may select one thief ability.(move silently, hide in shadows etc…) Each additional 5 CPs allows the character an additional ability, to a maximum of 3. The character gains 15% per level to distribute amongst these abilities, starting at the level he gained his first ability - he gains no points for levels he had before he first learned a thieving skill. His skills are modified for armor, race, and Dexterity as usual. Note that the "backstab" ability is not a thieving skill.

Tracking proficiency (5): The PC receives the Tracking proficiency, which improves automatically by +1 for every three levels of the ranger.

Two-weapon style (5): The PC can fight with two weapons and suffer no penalties. Armor heavier than studded leather imposes the standard fighting penalty if worn.

Weapon specialization (10): The ranger can specialize in a particular weapon. The character point cost must be met in addition.

Optional Restrictions

Ranger's code (0): All rangers must be of Good alignment, and may not retain more wealth than he and his mount can carry. All other treasure must be donated to a worthy cause. This gains no CPs.

Limited armor (5/10/15): A ranger with this restriction is limited in his selection of armor. For 5 CPs, the character is restricted to chain mail or lighter; for 10 CPs, the PC is limited to studded leather or lighter, and for 15 CPs, the PC cannot wear any armor at all.

Limited weapon selection (5): The PC can choose to gain proficiency only in melee weapons (no missile weapons allowed): or bludgeoning weapons only; or thief weapons only.

Limited magical item use (5+): A PC with this restriction distrusts magic and refuses to uses certain categories of magical items. For each category that is barred, the PC gains 5 CPs. The categories are: potions, oils, and scrolls; rings, rods, staves, and wands; miscellaneous magical items; weapons; and armor.