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1) Minimum requirements- Strength 13  , Constitution 11 , Wisdom 13
2) Prime Requisites- Strength
3) Races Allowed- Human

An anti-paladin represents everything that is mean, low, and despicable in the world. No act of treachery is too base, no deed of violence too vile for him/her. Thoughtless cruelty, sheer depravity and senseless bloodshed are his/her hallmarks. He/She is true to his/her word, and never breaks a promise, but will not do anything good in life for anyone but himself/herself, unless it will benefit him/her in some way.

As I said before, only a human can become an anti-paladin, and that is one thing that is bad about being an anti-paladin, but there are more positives then negatives, that is why anti-paladin is my favorite character class. He/She must have a minimum of 13 for strength, and 11 for constitution, and also a minimum of 13 for wisdom. An anti-paladin must have an alignment of chaotic evil, and must remain chaotic evil. An anti-paladin who changes his/her alignment deliberately (such as helps out a wounded lady or a hurt child), loses all his/her powers and, unless the situation is extreme, is instantaneously slain by his/her patron deity. A main point about the class of anti-paladin, is that his/she, can use any weapon and wear any armor. An anti-paladin who has a strength score of 16 or more, gains a 10% bonus to the experience points he/she earns. An anti-paladin with the charisma of 3 or 18 has a 25% chance of exceptional charisma. If his/her charisma is exceptionally low, he/she can cause fear once per day. If his/her charisma is exceptionally hight, he/she can charm a monster once per day. The anti-paladin solace in chaos and evil. If he/she ever knowingly and sincerely performs acts that aids the force of law and good, he/she is immediately stripped of all powers and authority in his church, and then vanishes into nothingness, in a great mote of shadow and the sound of wailing souls.
An anti-paladin has the following special benefits:
- An anti-paladin receives a +2 bonus to all saving throws.
- An anti-paladin is immune to all forms of disease. (Note that certain magical affliction-lycanthropy and mummy rot-are cures and not diseases.)
- An anti-paladin can heal or harm by lying hands. The anti-paladin restores 2 hit points to himself/herself per experience level, or remove 2 hit points per level from someone else. He/She can do this abilities only once per day, and not both per day, only one per day.
- An anti-paladin is surrounded by an aura of protection with a 10 foot radius. Within this radius, all summoned and any neutral or good character or things, have a -1 penalty to their attack rolls, regardless of whom they attack.
- An anti-paladin can backstab as a thief of equal level. (Refer to table 30, page 40 in the players handbook.)
- An anti-paladin using an unholy sword projects a circle of power 30 feet i diameter, when the sword is unsheathed and held. This power dispels hostile magic of a level up to the anti-paladin's experience level.( An unholy sword is a very special weapon; if your anti-paladin acquires one, the DM will explain its other powers.)
- An anti paladin gains the power to control undead, devils, and demons when he\she reaches 3rd level. He\She affects these monsters the same as he does an evil cleric.( Two levels lower)
- An anti-paladin may cal for his/her war-horse upon reaching 4th level, or anytime thereafter. This "faithful" steed need not to be a horse; it amy be whatever sort of creature is appropriate to the character.( as decided by the DM. Most often such creatures are nightmares.) An anti-paladin's war-horse is a very special animal, bounded by fate to the warrior. The anti-paladin doesn't really "call" the animal, nor does the horse instantly appear in front of him/her. Rather, the character must find his/her war-horse in some memorable way, most frequently by a special quest.
- An anti-paladin can cast priest spells once he/she has reached 9th level. He/She can cast only spells of the combat, divination, healing, and protective spheres, usually in their reversed forms.
- The spell progression and casting level are listed in table 10a. Unlike a priest, the anti-paladin doesn't gain extra spells for a high Wisdom score. The anti-paladin cannot cast spells from the clerical or druidical scrolls, nor can he/she use priest items.

Table 10a: Anti-paladin spell progression
Paladin   Casting    Priest   Spell Level  
   9             1             1           -
   10           2             2           -
   11           3             2           1
   12           4             2           2
   13           5             2           2
   14           6             3           2
   15           7             3           2
   16           8             3           3
   17           9*           3           3
   18           9*           3           3
   19           9*           3           3
   20           9*           3           3
* maximum spell ability

- An anti-paladin may not own more that 10 magical items. Furthermore, these may not exceed one suit of armor, one shield, four weapons (arrows and bolts not included), and four other magical items. If this ever does exceed the limits, the church hierarchy will come after him to "pay up".
- An anti-paladin never retains wealth. He/She may only keep only enough treasure to support himself in a modest manner, pay his henchman, men-at-arms, and servitors a "reasonable rate", and to construct or maintain a small castle or keep (funds can set aside for this purpose). All excess wealth must be donated to the church. This money can never be given to another players character, or to an NPC controlled by a player or the DM. An anti-paladin must tithe to whatever uncharitable religious institution of chaotic evil alignment he/she serves. A tithe is 10% of the anti-paladin's income (but may be more), whether coins, jewels, magis items, wages, rewards, or taxes. It must be paid as soon as possible, but quickly, or else. An anti-paladin can build castles, forts, or strongholds, but do not gain any special followers by doing so, until 9th level. At 9th level, an anti-paladin attracts 1d20 followers. These followers might be normal humans, but they are often monsters or even the undead. Table 19a can be used to determine these, or your DM may assign specific followers.

Table 19a: Anti-paladin's followers


Roll Follower                                  55-58 Orc                   95      Fighter/thief (drow)*

01-05 Fighter (human)                    59-60 Hobgoblin         96      Fighter/mage (drow)*

06-07 Fighter (dwarf)                     61-62 Gnoll                 97      Fighter/mage/thief(drow)*

08      Fighter (halfling)                    63       Ogre                 98      Mage/thief (drow)*

09-10 Fighter (half-orc)                  64       Troll                  99      Cleric/thief (half-orc)*

11       Fighter (half-ogre)                65       Giant*               00      Other monsters

12       Fighter (drow)*                   66-71 Skeleton**         (chosen by the DM)

13-17 Thief (human)                       72-77 Zombie**          

18       Thief (dwarf)                        78-79 Ghoul**  

19       Thief (halfling)                       80-81 Shadow**

20-23  Thief (half-orc)                     82      Wight**

24        Thief (drow)*                      83-84 Ghast**

25-30  Cleric (human)*                   85       Wraith**

31       Cleric (dwarf)*                    86-87 Mummy**

32       Cleric (halfling)*                  88      Spectre**

33      Cleric (half-orc)*                 89      Ghost**

34      Cleric (half-ogre)*               90      Baatezu*,**

35-36 Cleric (drow)*                    91      Tanar'ri*,**

37-45 Wizard (human)*                92      Fighter/thief (half-orc)

46-48 Mage (drow)*                    93      Fighter/thief (dwarf)

49-54 Goblin                                94      Fighter/thief (halfling)

*  If the anti-paladin already has a follower of this type, the ignore the role, and re-role.
**  These creatures are only gained as followers when the anti-paladin has built a
stronghold, which they are confined to thereafter.
Of course, your DM can assign particular creatures, either choosing them from the list above, or from any other source. He /She can also rule that certain creatures are not found in that area, or region. These followers arrive over the course of several months. Often they are encountered during the anti-paladin's adventures (allowing you and your DM to role-play the initial meeting). While the followers are automatically "loyal" and "friendly" to the anti-paladin, but not always nice to other players in the group or clan. It also depends on how the anti-paladin treats the follower, once after contact with the thing.

- An anti-paladin is a master of poisons, knowledgeable in both their use and manufacture. Each level, the anti-paladin rolls 1d4 and adds it to his/her/ level to determine which new poison he/she has mastered (on the table below). If the anti-paladin already has mastered the poison rolled, he/she gains no new poison at that level. If the roll is 18 or higher, the ant-paladin may choose any poison from the list. Once mastered, the anti-paladin can make a single application of each poison, everyday, using easily obtainable materials. The method of application are presented in chapter 9: Combat in the dungeon master's guide.
Anti-paladin poison table

Roll         Class           Method             Onset           Strength

2               A               Injected         10-30 min.        15/0

3               B               Injected          2-12 min.        20/1-3

4               C                Injected           2-5 min.         25/2-8

5               D                Injected           1-2 min.        30/2-12

6               E                Injected          Immediate       Death/20

7               F                Injected           Immediate       Death/0

8               G                Ingested          2-12 hours        20/10

9               H                 Ingested          1-4 hours         20/10

10              I                 Ingested           2-12 min.        30/15

11             J                  Ingested           1-4 min.         Death/20

12             K                 Contact            2-8 min.             5/0

13              L                 Contact            2-8 min.            10/0

14             M                 Contact            1-4 min.             20/5

15             N                 Contact             1 minute          Death/25

16             O                  Injected            2-24 min.         Paralytic

17             P                   Injected            1-3 hours        Debilitative

18+ Player's Choice