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Hit Dice
0 - 6,000 1 1
6,001 - 12,000 2 2
12,001 - 24,000 3 3
24,001 - 48,000 4 4
48,001 - 80,000 5 5
80,001 - 150,000 6 6
150,001 - 275,000 7 7
275,001 - 500,000 8 8
500,001 - 1,000,000 9 8+4
1,000,001 - 1,500,000 10 8+8
1,500,001 - 2,000,000 11 8+12

Barbarians are tough, hardy characters from primitive tribes located in the more backwards and inhospitable locations of the world. They tend to be superstitious, ignorant (at least initially), and stubborn. However, lest one laugh at the stupidity or naivete of a barbarian, they are extremely powerful and fierce warriors that do not take ridicule lightly! Barbarians must have minimum scores of 15 in constitution and strength, 14 in dexterity, and a maximum score of 16 in wisdom. Barbarians do not gain experience point bonuses.

Barbarians must be of non-lawful alignment, due to the conditions of their upbringing. They do not use an alignment language of any sort, and initially only know their tribal language and the common tongue. They cannot read or write common, though they may be able to in their native language.

Barbarians use the fighter combat table. They are able to use any sort of weapon or armor; however, certain types are preferred to others. In place of the Dexterity Adjustment to Armor Class, barbarians gain a +2 AC bonus per point of dexterity over 14 if they are wearing non- or fairly-bulky armor. If they are wearing bulky armor, the bonus is only +1 per point over 14. Also, barbarians receive +2 hit points per point of constitution over 14.

Barbarians prefer to use certain weapons over others, at least initially. All barbarians must have proficiency in the hand axe, knife, and spear at 1st level. The DM may impose additional requirements according to the background of the barbarian's native homeland. Only after all these weapons are learned may the barbarian gain proficiency in others. Barbarians may not take weapon specialization.

Barbarians detest magic and those who use it. They will, at low levels of experience, refuse to employ any sort of magic items they recognize as such. They will often seek to destroy magic items, receiving experience points equal to as if they had possessed them. While magic-users will be shunned initially, and always viewed with suspicion, clerical spells of the type used by shamans and witch doctors are not so viewed, though higher-level clerical spells are suspect.

Barbarians save as fighters of equal level, but gain certain bonuses: +4 vs. poison, +3 vs. paralyzation, petrification, polymorph, and death magic, +2 vs. rod/staff/wand and breath weapon, and +1 vs. spells for every 4 levels attained (+0 initially, +1 at 4th, +2 at 8th, etc.)

The barbarian has various skills which originate from his life in the wilderness. Barbarians understand terrain in a manner identical to rangers (q.v.). Initially, barbarians have only a home terrain; no other terrain is considered familiar. Barbarians may familiarize themselves with new terrain as per rangers. Barbarians have the following abilities:

  1. Hide in natural surroundings - this is identical to the ranger ability of hide in terrain (q.v.).
  2. Barbarians gain a +3 bonus to their chance to surprise an opponent when in home territory; this drops to +2 when in familiar territory, and no bonus when in unfamiliar terrain.
  3. There is a base 10% chance to surprise a barbarian when in unfamiliar or familiar terrain; this drops to 5% when in home terrain.
  4. Detect illusion - there is a 5% chance per level that a barbarian can detect an illusion as such. This detection takes one round of concentration. This chance may never exceed 75%.
  5. Detect magic - there is a 25% chance that barbarians can detect magic of other than an illusion/phantasm type. This takes one round of concentration, and the exact type of magic is never revealed. For each level beyond the first, detection increases by 5%, subject to a maximum of 90%.
  6. Leadership - when dealing with other barbarians or characters native to the barbarian's home area, the barbarian's level of experience is added to his or her charisma to get an effective charisma score for determination of reactions.
  7. Survival - as per ranger, except there is a $±$2 penalty to the intelligence check for survival in familiar terrain. As usual, there is no special ability in non-familiar terrain.
  8. Tracking - as per ranger also, but tracking is accomplishable outdoors only.
  9. Healing - as per the nonweapon proficiency.
  10. Outdoorcraft - the barbarian has the equivalents of the nonweapon proficiencies plant lore, animal lore, direction sense, and weather sense. These operate at normal chances when in home terrain, at a +6 penalty in familiar terrain, and not at all in unfamiliar terrain.

In addition, the barbarian will have one or more secondary abilities, depending upon the land of origin of the barbarian (see DM for specifics of each area.)

  1. Climb cliffs and trees - this is identical to the thief function climb walls, though it pertains initially only to natural surfaces. A barbarian can learn to climb walls given the opportunity to practice for a few weeks.
  2. Animal handling - as per the nonweapon proficiency. Initially applies only to specified animals native to the barbarian's homeland, though additional slots may be spent to add other animals.
  3. Horsemanship - as per the nonweapon proficiency land-based riding. This is in one specified type of animal native to the barbarian's homeland.
  4. Jumping - as per the nonweapon proficiency.
  5. Long distance signalling - the ability to use the signalling method of his homeland (drums, smoke, etc.) to communicate over long distances.
  6. Running - as per the nonweapon proficiency.
  7. Small craft, paddled - similar to the nonweapon proficiency of boating, this applies only to craft such as canoes, kayaks, etc.
  8. Small craft, rowed - similar to above, this applies only to craft such as rowboats, barges, etc.
  9. Snare building - as per the nonweapon proficiency.

Barbarians do not construct castles of the normal sort, and do not gain followers as fighters do. However, upon reaching 8th level, a barbarian may summon a barbarian horde. This horde can only be summoned in the native territory of the barbarian character, from among the natives of his background. Cavemen, dervishes, nomads, and tribesmen (See MM) are considered barbarians. The barbarian horde can number as many members as its leader's experience total divided by 1000. Thus a barbarian that has just reached 8th level can summon a 275-man horde, while one that has just reached 9th level can summon a 500-man horde.

A horde takes one week to gather in the home territory, and must have a stated purpose: "Tear down the College of Magic in Forsmoth brick by brick," etc. Deviation from the stated purpose can cause the horde to disband. At any rate, a barbarian horde will only stay together for a number of weeks equal to the barbarian's level of experience. At the end of this time, the horde will usually disband. Exceptions are: if there is large amounts of treasure distributed to the members, if the character has an effective charisma of 23 or more, if the leader is a tribal leader as well, or if an unattainable goal is within easy reach. Each such exception will lengthen the time by no more than 1-2 weeks. Note that a tribal leader that has his horde disbanded under him will not receive a warm welcome when he returns home.

In addition to the normal barbarians gained, there will be shamans and witch doctors as appropriate to the number of horde members, and special aides for the leader. The leader will have two aides, each of one-half his level of experience. Each such aide will have 2 assistants of one-half their level of experience.

Level Ability or Action allowed
2 May associate freely with clerics
3 May use magic potions
4 May use magic weapons
May strike creatures hit only by +1 weapons
Gains +1 on saving throws vs. spells
5 May use magic armor
6 May associate with magic-users - if necessary!
May strike creatures hit only by +2 weapons
7 May use weapon-like miscellaneous magic items
8 May associate with magic-users - occasionally
May strike creatures hit only by +3 weapons
Gains +2 on saving throws vs. spells
May summon a Barbarian Horde
9 May use protection scrolls
10 May use most magic items available to fighters
May strike creatures hit only by +4 weapons
12 Gains +3 on saving throws vs. spells
May strike creatures hit only by +5 weapons